Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

The lowercase name is probably coming from the MDNS announcement )has a name in it). DNS coerces to lowercase I think.

Does MA support Play-Fi?
I have an old AV receiver and the only way to stream music to it is through Play-Fi,


OMG I can play Spotify to my old but perfectly functional but no longer supported Panasonic A3 Airplay speaker now! Thank you!

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I have not heard that it does so I will say no.

You can review the docs to see what is supported. Natively there is no Play-Fi provider. If there is a HA integration then playing via that route should work.

I was asking for help with a player before and was recommended pi core player.

I actually made MusicAssistant work with it but, unfortunately, discovered, that I wonā€™t be able to use voice assistant on the same pi.

Is there a player that can be installed on top of an existing OS, already running voice assistant, that will be recognized by music assistant?

Thanks for the help! :blush:

You should be able to use Snap-client with the included Snapcast server for this, though it is a bit complicated to properly configure.

Iā€™m using MA in a webpage card on a dashboard (actually via a bubble card popup). It works really well but I find MA often starts up on the settings page and not the home screen. Iā€™ve used


which works fine in any other browser. I have nginx proxy manager which allows me to use the custom domain and https. Also pi-hole for the local DNS - but I think that might be a red-herring anyway.

Any idea why MA would start on the settings screen?


Its a bug to be fixed in the next patch

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Ah thatā€™s great thanks.

I gave Music Assistant a try (as part of my quest to find an alternative to Sonos to play to my Sonos speakers)

Got it installed as HA add on no trouble.
Adding a remote file share to music library on Synology was a bit of a nightmare - kept getting error 95. Eventually fixed by adding ā€˜vers=2.0ā€™ to string in advanced settings.

After that was able to play my music to all my Sonos players! Took me 30 mins including the share faff. For comparison getting the same going on LMS took several days.

Even better was able to play BBC radio onto all my Sonos speakers - gave up on getting LMS to play without stuttering on my Play:1 speakers ( newer One and Beam were fine).

For me MA has handled all the hard stuff brilliantly. Unfortunately falls over on the simple stuff - browsing my albums - no way to browse to an album at the end without scrolling down through all the others - there are no a-z shortcuts as there are in LMS (and used to be in Sonos). I know I can search but thatā€™s not the same as browsing.

Iā€™m going to keep using it in the hope browsing improves in future. After my experience with LMS very impressed with how easy MA was to get going and with what it can do.

Hi, Iā€™m trying to get a player working using voice commands; it errors, saying service not found.
[Iā€™m using the FutureProofHomes enhanced wyoming satellite code from here: wyoming-enhancements/snapcast/docs at master Ā· FutureProofHomes/wyoming-enhancements Ā· GitHub ]

If I manually play something from within Music Assistant, the player works fine.

My only media is a local library shared from a NAS system.
Home Assistant and Music Assistant are both fully up to date.

Iā€™ve tried a simple mod to the basic Play Music script with a valid name and player device for my system inserted in the defaults (copy at the end, below) and running this directly in home assistant scripts section with no parameters, so the voice / GPT side is completely bypassed.

That still gives an error - I get a brief popup with this:

Service called service script.testplay which was not found

Searching from in the Music assistant tab in home assistant does work OK.

I only started setting up home assistant two or three weeks ago, and my scripts section was empty until I added the Play Music script.

I cannot find any mention of Testplay in connection with Music Assistant??

Any suggestions?
What should that script be, or is it a leftover debug item?

Thanks, Robert.

alias: MusicTest
 - variables:
     music_query: "{{ music_query | default('Bad Company') }}"
     mass_media_player: "{{ mass_media_player | default('media_player.WyPlay-01') }}"
 - service:
     limit: 1
       - playlist
     name: "{{music_query}}"
   response_variable: query_response
 - service: media_player.clear_playlist
     entity_id: "{{mass_media_player}}"
   data: {}
 - service: mass.play_media
      media_id: "{{query_response.playlists[0].uri}}"
      entity_id: "{{mass_media_player}}"
      enqueue: replace
mode: single

First step would be to go the dev tools and run manually. Next step would be to type the command into assist

edit: Looking at the above it seems you are not using the voice features built into MA. If that is the case then have you installed the Integration which enables the mass service calls?

Is there Apple watch control for music assistant? Can you change players and songs within a playlist?

No mobile apps as yet. Good ideas though!

Gotcha. Big use case for me so Iā€™ll stick with LMS for nowā€¦

Has anyone else had strange behavior with favorites? It appears that anytime I restart Music Assistant it randomly favorites about 80% of Artists, Albums, Tracks, and Radio. Iā€™ve disabled all favorites multiple times but now Iā€™m tired of it.

Also, the select multiple would be more useful with a ā€œselect allā€ feature.

I also have some weird behavior with favorites, but havent noticed that.

What would be very helpfull is to dont select any playlist as favorite by default, instead what is doing now: when i instaled MA all playlists were favorited, and I had to ā€˜un-favoriteā€™ more than 900 playlists.

This probably depends on what provider they are coming from. Ask on Discord or GitHub discussions for more details jphelp.

@fafthefaf @realcanadrian @code-in-progress Apple Music is available in the latest beta