Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

God I saved so much automation and Node-RED code thanks to Music Assistant. Thank you folks!

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 14-06-04 Friendship ended with Meme Generator - Imgflip


Could the AirPlay reciever code from AirCast and AirSonos addons or other AirPlay client be ported into a reciever for Music Assistent so that it could have a music provider which could present virtual AirPlay targets that would in turn forward the stream to selected player provider?

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Will it in the future also be possible to make MA a Google Cast target too as in presenting virtual Google Nest speakers / Chromecast Audio reciever?

Is such a Google Cast reciever as music provider also on the roadmap for Music Assistent?

Not at the moment. You can open a feature request for it

@marcelveldt Do you mean adding a normal Media_player.shuffle_set just before the mass.play_media command?

  • Iā€™m not finding it to be playing the playlist on shuffle. Doesnā€™t seem to affect it at all. Should I be putting it somewhere else?

It works on one if my playlist, but the other one always starts on the same track and I have not figured out why yet :confused:

This is my script on the one that works, itā€™s exactly the same as the one that always start on the same track. Iā€™m sick of hearing Kings of Leon every time :grin:

alias: "Cast Playlist: Spotify Hip-Hop"
  - service: media_player.volume_set
    metadata: {}
      volume_level: 0.35
        - 7f71010cea099eb324bc5d766152b345
  - service: media_player.volume_set
    metadata: {}
      volume_level: 0.09
        - c6adc84bbedcbdd51de683f525ba9a8a
  - service: media_player.volume_set
    metadata: {}
      volume_level: 0.2
        - 3585d7849b97b87d8b59d818a2135a42
  - service: media_player.shuffle_set
    metadata: {}
      shuffle: true
      entity_id: media_player.overallt_2
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.overallt_2
      media_content_id: library://playlist/36
      media_content_type: playlist
      title: Hip-Hop 92-00 bƤsta
      thumbnail: null
      media_class: playlist
      children_media_class: track
        - {}
        - media_content_type: mass
          media_content_id: playlists
        - media_content_type: music
          media_content_id: library://playlist/36
    enabled: true
mode: single

Out of interest why do you use device_id rather than entity_id and why do you add the metadata block?

Look at the MA UI after you send the shuffle set command and confirm that the queue does have shuffle enabled. Then look at the tracks when they are added and see if they are indeed shuffled.

I have Music Assistant running in Synology/Docker-Container streaming to Shairport-Sync running in Portainer on a RPi3B+ and see loads (like 1 per second) of info-messages saying

2024-05-25 13:44:15.628 INFO (MainThread) [music_assistant.providers.airplay] Unknown DACP request for B827EB7B8FB3@RPi3B-01-bureau._raop._tcp.local.: /ctrl-int/1/getproperty?properties=dmcp.volume

Any idea how to get rid of these (as it snows under other more relevant messages)

Unless it is causing a problem you can ignore it.

I just had to deinstall this addon as im running HA in a VM with only 2GB RAM. The systame became unstable due to maxed resources. I might try again after altering my HA environment.

It wonā€™t run with 2GB RAM

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Adding the empty metadata block is something the GUI does

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I find it odd as the docs donā€™t mention it being supported at that level? Anyway doesnā€™t seem to hurt anythingā€¦. Media player - Home Assistant

It does that on every service call

Yeah maybe the docs are out of dateā€¦.

Two issues, first is more minor but second is problematic:

(1) It seems volume normalization doesnā€™t really work for me with YTMusic provider and Chromecast speakers

(2) Using TTS is significantly slower when the target is the MASS speaker (chromecast players) versus targeting the Chromecast player from the native HA integration. This one is unfortunate since the MASS announcement stuff is very cool. I have turned off the preannouncment bell but it is still way slower, Iā€™d say 3-5 seconds slower to just start the announcement from when I issue the service call when compared to targeting the HA native Chromecast speakers

Iā€™m running HA on a Raspberry 4 with 2Gb of RAM with Music Assistant as an add-on. No problems here.

You will likely run into problems eventually (fingers crossed for you though). The docs make it clear that 4GB RAM is required recommended.