Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

I don’t believe so as there is no way to ensure the ads are played

Thank you for the suggestion @Hedda ! I haven’t properly looked into it yet, but can you give me a clue as to how to do the time-offset in music assistant?

Thank you for the suggestion also @nickrout ! Doing some research I can’t seem to find a way to connect Mythtv to music assistant, does that integration exist?

Is anyone else having the issue of Pause just stopping the player?

You haven’t mentioned what sort of player. Note that paused players will be stopped after 30 seconds

While I one day want to replace my Echos with local gizmos, not quite ready for that. I am happy to help with testing in this regard. I have several models of Echo.

Snapcast. They stop immediately upon pressing pause.

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Mythtv save the files. You can access them by adding a music provider in MA

Hey everyone. I’ve been using Music Assistant since previous to 1.0 release, and for me it’s worked beautifully. However, after I came home from vacation I noticed that none of my Airplay 2 speakers work anymore and are constantly saying “This player is currently (not) yet available.” The logs are saying the following:

WARNING (MainThread) [music_assistant.webserver] Invalid command: players/queue/all

I am truly lost. I’ve done nothing to update the network. Home assistant is the only thing that has been updated while I’ve been out on vacation.

has there been anything breaking for Airplay 2 speakers? Any help?


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but, I’ll give a try.

Trying to get the announcements service to work but don’t seem to be having much luck. I’d like to suspend a radio feed, run a TTS speech announcement and then resume the feed.

Reading the documentation, I take it I run two services, the TTS session preceded by the announce call. Perhaps like this:

alias: Test MA announcement
  - service: mass.play_announcement
    metadata: {}
      url: http://192.168.1.##:8123/local/audio/sounds/gentle-alarm.mp3
      use_pre_announce: true
      announce_volume: 60
  - service: tts.speak
    metadata: {}
      cache: true
      message: Hello, this is a test...
      entity_id: tts.home_assistant_cloud
mode: single
icon: mdi:bullhorn-variant

When I run the Music Assistant Play announcement service I don’t hear the selected tone and nothing happens when I run the TTS service either.

I have checked the notification sound url. It plays when I paste it into the browser, so I guess that is right. I’ve checked the speaker settings in Music Assistant as well:

Nothing seems wrong there either. Am I doing this right? Anyone have any ideas to share?


No MA takes care of all that for you. Just use the TTS service call and target the MA player. Try the exact code shown in the docs (except change for your entity)

I will only say goodbye to LMS in exchange for this when Bandcamp can be used as music source. It does look awesome though, so fingers crossed Bandcamp support comes soon.

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I second the request for bandcamp, I use it all the time, the Sonos integration is pretty good but if MA can integrate it I have another reason to ditch the Sonos app.

I was really excited when I saw this software because I thought it is exactly that what I was looking for. Until I realized that it doesn’t support subsonic or spotify or something similar on player side.

I’ve had a lot of fun tonight getting Music Assistant to play BBC radio stations and Spotify Release Radar to my Panasonic A3 Airplay speaker. And then creating a tile on my smart watch allowing me to change channels from my watch alone.

I’ve also found that I am able to control my Airplay devices much better in Music Assistant and via the MA integration compared to the Airplay/AppleTV integration.

The combination of Music Assistant and Home Assistant really is super flexible. I love it!

@bmaehr I would recommend you look again, or be more specific about what you have found you can’t do. MA can certainly control Spotify.

It seems as thought the sound chime is playing, but there is a delay before the sound hits the speaker. This means short sounds are probably played BEFORE they hit the speaker and then move on. I noticed when I put in longer sounding chimes I only get the second half played.

Is this a bug?

Thanks for the tip. I ran the code as suggested but still didn’t hear anything from the speaker. This is, I think, because the message finished playing before it got to the speaker (see also my comment about chimes).

When I ran this:

service: tts.google_say
  message: This is a test message to see if this is working

I only hear “to see if this is working”. ie… “this is a test message” isn’t played at all.

You don’t mention what sort of player you are using but if it is a HA player then that might explain it. Probably best to take this to discord or a GitHub Q&A so as not to clutter this thread.
P.S. This plays perfectly fine to my Google Home and my phone running Snapdroid.

A couple more issues :

  1. first, a bug. my music assistant wouldn’t show any player devices anymore yesterday. I uninstalled both the add-on and integration, and reinstalled them, and that fixed it. Of course I lost the entire configuration :frowning:
    Not really sure why or how that happened. I had not touched Music Assistant in several weeks. Happy to provide log entries if there are any relevant ones.

  2. RFE: is there a way to move a track/album from one player to another player (or group) ?
    I could not figure out how to do that. If it’s missing, is it planned in the future ?

  3. RFE: why is there no stop button in the player controls ?

  4. UX/UI is it necessary to manually turn players on before playback ? And should they also manually be turned off when playback end ?

  5. UX/UI I have several observations on “queue” vs “non-queue” mode

a) the button to switch to the “queue” view is not intuitive. I have no idea what it should be, but I shouldn’t have had to RTFM to figure out how to switch to queue mode.

b) should this be a global preference, rather than something to change on the fly ?

c) the queue mode is not sticky. In the web GUI, if I go to another entry, and then back to music assistant, the player is now in the default view again. It is unfortunate having to do it again.

d) does there really be two separate display modes for queue/non-queue ? In the web GUI, with a large enough screen, the non-queue view just doesn’t make sense. The picture of the album is the same size in both modes. Only the size of the text titles differ. Maybe take the screen size into account, and always show the queue view on large displays ?

  1. UX/UI the home screen only shows one player at the bottom. If I’m playing different content on multiple players (not in a group), I can’t view those active players on the same screen. I think there should be an “active multi-player” view.

  2. UX/UI the player bar continues to confuse me, especially on the initial startup. it shows “no speaker selected” on the left, and then there is a speaker button on the right also that shows another list. Every time I see this, I wonder what each one is for. There just shouldn’t be two speaker selectors on the same screen. And even if located on different screens, the purpose for each one should be clearly stated or obvious in the UI.
    Once content is playing on any one player, the button on the left goes through metamorphosis - instead of a speaker selection button, it now leads to the “now playing” view.

  3. UX/UI there is no obvious way to get out of the speaker selector window, controlled by the right-side side speaker button. One just has to click away on the web GUI. There is no “apply” or “cancel” button.

  1. No but it is on the list
  2. pause is the same as stop
  3. No it isnt and no. To be honest I am not sure why we still have that
  4. The UI is still under development
  5. The home page lists all active players across the top
  6. There aren’t two speaker selectors. The left opens the now playing view but since you don’t have a speaker selected that needs to be opened. Having no speaker selected by default is being discussed as it looks like a 50/50 split with those that do and don’t want that.
  7. That is because you can do do multiple actions in that window. You can be changing volumes or linking players. These changes happen immediately so Apply/Cancel is not appropriate.
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