Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

MA requires a 64bit Operating System and a minimum of 2GB of RAM on the physical device or the container (physical devices are recommended to have 4GB+ if they are running anything else)

From the Installation page, my emphasis.

So 4Gb recommended, not required.

4G if run with anything else, eg with HA. 2G if standalone.

The docs stating how to obtain Apple Music token but i canā€™t choose Apple Music as music provider. How to do that?

Do you have the beta installed?

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No, only official release 2.0.4 but really awesome to get Apple Music as Provider!

You should ask about volume normalisation over on Discord or GitHub

As for the announcement speed the MA call should be instant which you can perhaps notice by the volume change on the speaker. After that though things are limited by the speed of the player to respond which for Chromecast devices can be a few seconds, At this point that is a limitation.

Well Iā€™m comparing the speed of the native Chromecast HA integration and the MA Chromecasts and thereā€™s massive difference. Just today I did some timing tests and it takes upwards of 5 seconds (one took 8 seconds!) compared to what feels like near instant with HA Chromecast so thereā€™s definitely something going on that isnā€™t due to a fundamental Google Chromecast underlying limitation. HA is able to do it way, way faster.

Thanks Iā€™ll try GitHub for the volume normalization.

Yes but I donā€™t think HA is requesting state information and pausing the stream.

Ah you think itā€™s exactly the extra features causing this. Hmm perhaps but issuing a pause and volume set commands is also extremely fast on Chromecast in my experience.
I did another test today and something stood out to me. Even though Iā€™m doing an all-spesker announcement +a native Chromecast group in Google), when using MA speakers it seems each speaker dings separately rather than all at once.
I wonder if there is either some bug or some reason to decompose groups into individual speakers and that makes it slow.

Best to come to Discord and ask Marcel

Random question that I am sure will be a complicated issue to solve. I do not live in my native country, and I use music assistant 2.0 to listen to radio (works perfectly!!!). However, my time zone is 9 hours ā€œbehindā€ my original time zone. Is there any way to ā€˜bufferā€™ my favorite radio station 9 hours so that I can listen to radio ā€˜as ifā€™ it were in the right time zone? How much storage would it take to buffer 2 streams - I have an nfs share with several tb of free space I could use for this.

The radio station(s) in question are the Dutch radio stations NPO1 and NPO 3fm.

Not with MA the buffer isnā€™t that big that you could pause it for nine hours.

Well I was hoping there is a (commercial?) solution that letā€™s you play past radio broadcasts and then link that up to Music Assistant. The other option would be to somehow create a buffer that stores the ongoing broadcast for 9 hours, but Iā€™d be afraid the system would be a bit fragile

Mythtv should work.

@kaaswagen can maybe try Tvheadend (which you can use stand-alone or in LibreELEC) with a TV-tuner like a DVB-T/FM/SDR receiver such as example SiliconDustā€™s HDHomeRun, as a solution based on that can at least extract digital and FM-radio audio streams from radio channels using TV-tuners as input, digitize/encode the audio and either record or stream it as an internet radio via URL, (i.e. feed that via " URL Provider" Music Provider receiver in Music Assistant in a similar way to Icecast streaming server application streaming a radio channel audio stream via URL).

However, to be able to play previous radio broadcasts instead of just live radio broadcast you would need to setup recording (and probably some kind of timed program subscription if do not want to record everything), and if you want to both record and catalog it then you probably also need some sort of media server software with media library and post processing features for cataloging, sorting and metadata (like Plex, Jellyfin, or Emby) that support ā€œLive TVā€ via TV-tuners and allows you to watch and record live television and FM-radio streams. Then they will probably present those streams as M3U?

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Thank you for a great Music assistant! I have been using Music Assistant Beta server for many months. I had to correct a few MP3 ID tags to get Music Assistant 2.0+ to correctly find all the songs in my m3u playlists that were working correctly in pre version 2.0 I still have one m3u playlist that has 1944 tracks, but Music Assistant stops at 1499 tracks. I am currently using Music Assistant Server 2.0.4. I have removed the playlist from the library and restarted Music Assistant but Music Assistant still only finds 1499 files. There are no errors or problems indicated in the log even with the log debug mode enabled. Can you recommend a way to find the root cause? Thank you.

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If the first track is actually track 0 then it is stopping at 1500 tracks. You arenā€™t clear whether this is when viewing the playlist or when you have queued it. You will be best asking on Discord or GitHub so this thread doesnā€™t get cluttered

Thank you. I will do that.
Update: I rebuilt the playlist in the order of the artists instead of tracks and that solved the issue. I am not sure why.

Does this also solve the bad shuffle function in Spotify? In spotify if you shuffle a playlist you hear very often the same songsā€¦

Spotifyplus Integration planned?