Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Hmm. I could have sworn going to the players list and clicking “Off” emptied the queue. I spent a lot of time on Music Assistant today, and must have mixed things up.

The only way that seems to work right now is the “|” menu, and “Clear all items in the queue”.

Is there a way to automate that, if media_player.media_stop doesn’t do it ?
Ideally something that can enumerate all the players, and turn them all off.

The player list is dynamic as the power for the audio system is normally cut off in 2 rooms. For those, I use a smartplug to turn them on/off manually as needed. All the other streamers, I think 14 of them, are always powered on. The amps are normally turned off. I use an automation that powers up the amps when the media players start playing.

This is so sick. Everything I’ve been trying to cludge together for years in one package perfect for my HA-powered venue. Hopeful that I can make playlists mixing different sources and automate it all. Thank you! Looking forward to further improvements!

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Yes, I realize that is the best option for Chromecasts, and I already do that.

I just wanted to try Universal group to see how off-sync the result would be using Universal group in two adjacent rooms, with wired players and very low network latency, and the streaming devices connected to the same Ethernet switch, for each of the 3 options they offer, but especially DLNA since there is no provision for synchronizing them anywhere else.

The devices I tried grouping were all Wiim Pro Plus. They each expose Airplay, DLNA and Chromecast audio. It’s clear that Airplay is the easiest way to setup for groups.

However, I do have other devices that don’t support Airplay - 2 Chromecast with Google TV, 1 Chromecast Ultra, and one Chromecast audio.

I can create groups in Google Home for all these devices, as they all support the Google cast protocol. Or I can create Airplay groups, if I don’t want to use any of the 4 Google Cast-only devices. Ideally,it would be possible to mix players of different ecosystem with Universal group, but I understand that’s not supported.

3 rooms also have multiple streaming devices hooked up to different pairs of amps/speakers (don’t ask why, but there is a reason), so I have to be careful with the group creation not to group every single device.

Edit: my point was mainly that I couldn’t get Universal group to work at all, even with devices within the same ecosystem. I expected they wouldn’t sync perfectly through Universal, but I couldn’t syn them at all.

Yes use media_player.clear_playlist Media player - Home Assistant


Thank you !

Is there a way to find the URI of a TuneIn station? I have configured TuneIn with MA, I can see my favorite stations in the list, but how can start playing one of the stations without knowing the URI? is not returning the values, since it is searches only youtube and the local library.
Am I doing something wrong?

I am trying to play my local music through music assistant.
I have 5 main folders (per category) which I have installed as 5 music providers in MA.
Is there a way to play a “shuffle all” on a music provider or create a playlist that would automatically update based on the content?
Could I combine those 5 providers in one playlist without having to select tens of albums, artists…?

Not sure why you are using five providers nor what the “category”-ies are. Ordinarily you would just have one share and let MA process all of that into the database.

As for having one big playlist that depends on how big a playlist you are talking about . 1000s of tracks require a lot of resources on the server. 100s of tracks no problem and you can create your own or there is the built in playlists such as random 500.

My categories are my own “genres”: TV&Movies soundtrack, French Music, German Music… Tagging is not always standardized, so it’s my way of clustering them.

I found an issue with the Chromecast player settings - in my case a Chromecast audio.

Under “sample rates supported by this player”, 48 kHz 16 bits appears twice.
Same issue when opening the dropdown, list

I believe the second entry should be 48 kHz 24 bits.

One other UI issue - the player transport controls - so you can seek to a chosen position - are almost invisible. I just noticed today that they were there.
The “cursor” is invisible by default. It shows up only when clicking/touching. Even then, it is very small, and the line is invisible. Not sure if this is specific to my color scheme, but it happens on both desktop browser and in the Android mobile app.

Just after I posted this, I closed and re-opened the player mode, and it switched o a white background, with the transport control visible.

I’m not sure what causes this - I didn’t do anything that should cause the color scheme to change, as far as I’m aware. This appears to be a little random and hard to reproduce.

One more minor bug with Chromecast.

  1. go to settings
  2. open the device list on top
  3. select the Chromecast player
  4. change the sample rate settings to only support 44.1 kHz 16 bits
  5. go to the home menu and tracks
  6. select the Chromecast player
  7. start playing the track
  8. now, go to settings again, and open the chromecast player setting again
  9. change the sampling rate to a value that’s not presently enabled.
  10. click save
    The playback will pause very shortly, and then continue, but start with a fade-in effect, even though I have crossfade disabled for the device.

I realize a pause is inevitable when changing sampling rate, but the fade-in is not mandatory, and the crossfade setting should be respected in this situation.

Probably better to submit those bugs at MA’s github.

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Ok. Properly tagging your music is required for MA to work well.

Already fixed in beta (I think or is it dev?)

Yeah I have noticed similar. Will be discussed internally. Thanks.

Hey everyone. Amazingly the latest update fixed my issues. I’m still confused on what happened and hope it doesn’t occur again, but good news is my MA instance is now fully back online.

I run HA in a VM on a windows PC. Outside of the VM, I run Squeezelite-X. I have a DAC that has 4 physical outputs and Squeezelite-X allows me to create nodes on all of them, since they’re exposed as separate outputs in windows.

Would the desktop app be able to have that functionality? Maybe in a future update?

I think it would be great if this was setup in a way that it can live in parallel to an existing LMS.
I don’t like the idea to switch off my LMS system.


Hey, companion app developer here. Yes that could definitely come as an update to the companion app. I don’t think its that high of a priority at the moment though… because in general the companion app still has a lot of bugs and missing features. But I will create an issue in the repo so I don’t forget about it :slightly_smiling_face:

Till then you could just continue to use squeezelite-X with MA. Or manually start more squeezelite instances on the VM. The command would be: squeezelite -s [ip of music assistant] -M Companion -n [name of player] -o [name of output device]