Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

This isn’t scraping from the Internet. The current requirement for folder naming to match album name is being discussed.

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Well what is it that you had to rate limit?

Anyway, the metadata is in the tags, not in the folder name.

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Rate limits were applied to all calls for information that were not already supplied by tags, nfo files, local imagery etc.

Well it seems stupid unfortunate that lms can get it right while ma can’t. Perhaps I am just a moaner. :slight_smile:

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Please try beta 9 when it drops. Some changes have been made.


LMS exists for 25 years and we are just getting started. Bugs need time to be reported and fixed. Also be aware that the architecture of LMS is completely different than MA where LMS started with local files and later added (halfbaken) support for streaming providers, we started with a provider concept from the beginning.

We are working our way through all requests and edge cases so this will be improved step by step. One of the bugs was that it didn’t correctly detect the parent folder of the music files so it was not picking up the artwork and metadata within the folder in some cases.

You can imagine an error like that causing a snowball effect, metadata absent = triggering the fallback scraping which in turn is rate limited etc.

Like I said, give constructive feedback and I’m pretty sure we’ll work our way through the issues and make it better than LMS at some point :wink:

If that is not the case for you, that is also fine. For me personally MA is already way better than LMS (and yes I used both LMS and Roon for years) but I guess everyone has their own usecases. I’m for example not using local files that much anymore and more streaming.


Thank you for your reply @marcelveldt . I think MA is a great project. I was disappointed when I tried it, spouse acceptance dropped sharply. This was mainly due to difficulty with metadata.

As I said, I have a lot of music files. I really don’t want to change anything in my music storage.

I am thinking of spinning up another VM of HAOS to test MA more thoroughly, then I’ll hopefully become a more useful member of the MA community.


@marcelveldt while I have your attention, this screenshot shows an annoyance. 2 similar update notifications, one for the addon, one for the integration. It is very difficult to tell which is what. It’s as much a HA annoyance as a MA one.

I just got around to installing this and it seems to be working. I don’t use HAOS, my HA Core is in a container and I installed MA in a container. They seem to be connected but should I be seeing anything in HA other than the integration? I have the HACS package installed. However when I try, in MA, to setup HA as a provider, after entering my HA URL and then my credentials, all I get is a spinning cursor and nothing happens. Any ideas on what would cause this issue?

to clarify this is from MA Settings > Plugin Providers. Select Home Assistant, enter the HA URL and click (Re)Authenticate Home Assistant. That popups up the HA login dialog, I enter my credentials and then just get a spinning circle.

See " Server Notes" here

Not sure what I’m supposed to be reading. There’s nothing there about the plugin provider. What am I missing?

Sorry I may have misunderstood your question. Logs should show.

Also how is your docker container configured?

Possibly a network issue or container mis configuration

I just used the docker run command in the documentation. I can access the MA website, add SMB shares to it etc. It’s running on the same network as HA. So, nothing special. The MA log shows:

2024-07-05 23:08:24.586 INFO (MainThread) [hass_client] Connected to Home Assistant 50-ha:8123 (version 2024.7.0)
2024-07-05 23:09:08.146 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1) [music_assistant.webserver] Error handling message: config/providers/get_entries: coroutine ignored GeneratorExit
2024-07-05 23:09:08.146 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1) [music_assistant] Error doing task: Task was destroyed but it is pending!

So it is setup with host networking and privileged?

I’ve got this working with Sonos as a player provider and works great. I also would like to play to my laptops’ local speakers. Do I have to install 3rd party players first? Effectively, I am hoping to see/add my “PC Speaker” in the players list. Perhaps, this is not designed to work this way?

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I had to dig into that. I just followed the instructions in the documentation, but then found they were incomplete. I create a docker-compose.yml file using server/docker-compose.example.yml at c64805bf716b72f377c546399e5c3e698de0b60e · music-assistant/server · GitHub and then ran docker compose up to create the container. Then the logon worked and I have a Media item in the left sidebar. Now to figure out how it works!

My understanding is that Music Assistant is a media server - doing much the same job as Kodi or MPD - in that it builds a database of available media.

So, when I want to add a music_player to my RasPi Voice Assist device … why is MPD recommended instead of a music player client ?

I don’t have existing music systems, and don’t have money to purchase an integrated whole house solution. I just want to play lo-fi background music (local files, playlists and internet radio).

My random connected device

Install a squeeze lite compatible application to your mobile or other devices which MA will be able to stream to.

See here for info on how to run squeezelite on Windows

The MA Companion App can also be configured to run a squeezelite client which will allow playback to the device running it.

Who recommended that?

Does the RasPi Voice Assist show up as a media_player in HA?