Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

For those who chose to host music-assistant outside of the traditional Add-on but would like to have https support with the NGINX Add On, here is how to make that work.

I’m using VS Code as my editor; you may have to work this out otherwise.

In VS Code Open the Hamburger menu shown next to EXPLORER

Select File > Open Folder
Select share from the list of folders
Hover over share and click the new folder icon

Create the folder nginx_proxy
In that folder create a file called mass.conf
Enter these contents:

server {
        ssl_certificate /ssl/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /ssl/privkey.pem;
        listen 443 ssl http2;
		add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://192.168.x.x:8095;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
			proxy_redirect http:// https://;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
			proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
			proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
			proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;

Replace server_name, ssl_certificate, ssl_certificate_key and proxy_pass with your information.

Save the file, click on the hamburger menu in VS Code and select File > Open Recent > /config

Open the NGINX Add-on
Settings > Add-ons > NGINX
Click Configuraiton
Under “Customize” change active: false to active: true
Click Save
Restart the Add-on

You should now be able to reach your internal url with https. If you use an internal DNS server, you’ll need to set the A record of the server_name above to the IP of Home Assistant.

These instructions could be used to provide https proxy to any internal host you happen to be running that doesn’t support https, BTW. Keep in mind if Home Assistant is down or the Add-on isn’t running, you won’t have https access to those configured servers.

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The new Plex agent is working great. Thank you very much for getting this working.

Is it possible to see currently playing tracks on cast devices if the stream was started by a different device like a phone, like home assistant? Currently, MA only shows ‘external source.’

If I have installed the BETA by mistake (months ago) is it possible to smoothly ) transparently switch to the stable channel or I must uninstall the addon and reinstall? I don’t want to have to set up everything again tbh

At the moment no but having a method to do this has been mentioned before. There should be no problem sticking with the beta for now though.

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No not at the moment.

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MA Version 2.1 has been released with a huge number of improvements and bug fixes. Apple Music is a new provider Enjoy!


Got it thank you. I will keep an eye out for the feature. I get way too much noise from family members any time there is any HA instability and I have a ton of dependencies on MA in my automations now so would love to be extra careful.
Really appreciate all the hard work the devs have poured into MA.

Make sure you have the auto update turned off and you should be good. Only downside is having to ignore the update messages when they come in.

This version is not playing files to the end. Its cutting them off a couple of seconds short. TTS announcements also.
The good news is that the integration is updating the player status properly now.

You will need to come to GitHub or Discord for assistance. More details will be required. No one else is reporting this so far?


Hey, does someone know if that problem with the Snapcast Groups and Group Leaders is meant to be fixed in Version 2.1? I searched for Issues and found none but there were some Commits that looked like they could be meant to tackle this Problem :smile:

I updated yesterday and for me the problem still persists. No pressure btw just asking if there`s a Issue i oversaw i could follow or if i should open one myself :smile:

This is yet to be looked at

I have an issue with speaker groups: they load into MA but when i expand, my google home speaker seems absent. The google home speaker is available on it’s own, just not in groups. Google home speaker does play when i start the group through media browser in HA. In google (home) app, the group also works fine. This happens in multiple groups as shown in both screenshots. Any ideas?

I just had something similar happen after upgrading to 2.1.0 (no idea if it was the cause or not). No amount of restarting MA, the Chromecast provider or the physical device would fix it and I didn’t see anything in the logs. Right as I was about to give up (and revert to my MA backup), I started just turning all of the speakers in my group on/off in MA and at some point it ‘just started working’. Not very helpful, I know… :slight_smile:

You don’t say if you start playback to the group via MA if all the expected players start playing. If they do then it is a frontend issue.

only the ones showing start to play, google home stays silent…

it won’t hurt to try your solution… fingers crossed
edit: after 10 min of pushing on off nothing changed… so weird, because everything else works perfectly

Open an issue on GitHub then so we can look at it in more detail

Is there any free music provider other then local and radio browser ?