Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

It’s fluid but this is the backlog Music Assistant (V2) backlog · GitHub

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Very cool list, thank you.

It doesn’t even seem like it’s in the Alexa/Echo plans :frowning:

Updated to the new beta. Logs show error migrating from version 5 to 6 of the database. Now the add-on just gives errors and won’t start. HAOS on NUC.

If you need assistance you need to ask on GH or Discord. This is not the medium for extensive support

Reinstalled. Question. Did the webserver default port change to 8098? The docs say (or said) 8095.

That’s the STREAMSERVER you are thinking of the web server

Sorry thought I deleted this post once I discovered my error

I threw our IKEA Symfonisk 30 feet across the yard a couple of months ago and left it in the rain after fighting to get it connected for an hour. My wife dropped it at the dump for recycling a couple of days later.

Super glad I didn’t invest beyond that one speaker in the SONOS ecosystem. Junk.

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QUESTION ABOUT BROWSE: Didn’t want to post this in Github as a bug because it’s possible I just don’t understand how it’s supposed to work.

I have my local library on a NAS and Tidal both installed as music sources. When I select Browse from the Menu, and then Tidal, it just shows me music categories (artist, album, tracts etc.) that browse my NAS local music folder.
What is Browse supposed to browse using a music service like Tidal?


Marcel wrestles with whether to remove this as it causes more issues than it solves… I would say looking at it now it isn’t working in a sensible way except for the playlists. My recommendation is not to use it except for selecting radio stations from radiobrowser.

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Hi there,

Sonething strange is happening.
When i tap something what i want to play i can’t get ik to play.

Ser the screenshot, when i tap music a drop downmenu is opening.
I can’t just press play.

What am i doing wrong?


Friend, I can’t wait to be able to use this add-on to play music on Alexa. please don’t give up on us :pray:

Not sure. Upgrade to 2.2.0 (or 2.3.0b0) and clear your browser cache and see how you go.

i have a squeezelite player on HA (as addon).

OK, this post got my attention.

I have a combination of both SONOS speakers and Apple Homepod Minis scattered around the house, sometimes in the same rooms. The SONOS handle the music throughout the house, sourced from my iTunes library and streamed via a Home Assistant media player. The Homepods are just used to access Siri, controlling home automation functions.

Am I correct in assuming Music Assistant will allow me to stream music from my iTunes library to both my SONOS and Homepod ecosystems simultaneously? If so, this is a big win (as I don’t have to buy any new SONOS speakers and can use cheaper Homepods.)

They won’t be perfectly in sync but yes. Apple Music is a supported provider.

Ah… not perfectly in sync. That would be an issue (especially in rooms that contain both devices). Also, I don’t subscribe to Apple Music - just stream from my iTunes library.

Many thanks, anyway.

Perfect sync is available within the same ecosystem (Airplay or Sonos) but not across. If you have all your music locally as well then you could use that.

Hmmm. OK, then perhaps I could create a Home Assistant ‘group’ of speakers, containing all the Sonos speakers, and only include those Homepods in rooms that didn’t have a Sonos speaker), then it would eliminate mismatches within a room. I could then use the ‘group’ as the target of the streaming. (Still haven’t worked out the details of how I browse and select from my iTunes library yet, but I’m sure that’s fixable.)

Do you have a gut feeling how out of synch the two ecosystems would be? (For example, if I walked from a Sonos room into a Homepod room, whether I’d really notice any difference?)

As an aside question…can I play a custom MP3 file on demand? (I have automation that makes preset ‘announcements’ on my Sonos speakers if somebody is approaching the front door, or proximity detects my wife arriving home. If not, no big deal - I can leave the existing system in place.)