Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

You have to have a device which is on the same network and not behind a VPN or anything similar in order to authenticate

I am in the same network. I donā€™t understant why the URL selected for the callback sent to the oAuth flow is not the URL i used when i pushed the authenticate button.

Marcel would know the technical reason but you will have to ask on Discord as he only occasionally drops in here. I would just try opening MA using a local IP then and see if you can authenticate that way.

In the documentation for setting up the Spotify provider it states to put for the redirect URL. This works for me, however I use the client id of a Spotify developer app I created for this purpose rather than OAuth. Worth trying.

After upgrading to MA 2.2.0 the IP of the MA server was in that box and it took me a while to figure out this change.

I think Iā€™ve seen four updates today of the music assistant beta server. I find that Iā€™m more and more confident using the add-on, things are starting to run so much more smoothly and predictably. Wife approval factor going up. Great work by the development team, it appears to be a full-time job at this point. Being a Sonos user, itā€™s nice to see so many of the updates relating to Sonos speakersā€¦

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Yes. That would do.

I posted this on the Github but yet to hear a response - and I see on Github that this issue was brought and ā€œthoughtā€ to have been ā€œfixedā€ in the latest update (2.3.0b8). I seem to be the only one having this issue now? If anyone can help (heard nothing on Github since the case was brought up).

Tracks, Artists, and Album are all being mismatched. Hereā€™s an example with Van Halen - 1984 (Ummmmā€¦ Bud Light???):

In the Github, they mentioned that this ā€œerrorā€ would be corrected in 2.3.0b8. I still see it. This is despite what the author said to do: refresh or reload the library.

How do I do this? Iā€™ve tried Synch and reload - all the same result.

I have not many any changes to my tagging in like 20 years. The file structure of my music is in an Artist - Album - Song strucutre. Nothing crazy.

Hereā€™s a snapshot of the tagging of 1984 in my old music player (pointed to the SAME directory):

Nothing is wrong in this setup.

Iā€™ve also cleared out my brower cache to check and see if that was an issue. Itā€™s not.

Any help would be appreciated this has been incredibly frustrating.

I have a feeling that you need to delete the music provider and re-add it. What restarts you need along the way, I am unsure.

When you re-add, it should rebuild from scratch. In a big library this may take a while.

I guess itā€™s a problem with releasing beta software and calling it release 2.0.

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There is now a Reset Database option in MA SETTINGS>>CORE>>MUSIC CONTROLLER


Thanks @OzGav and @nickrout for all the help on GitHub!!! My MA is back in order!!!

For those interested in what ā€œfixed it,ā€ it seems that Plex was my issue (Iā€™m certain b16 has fixed the issues on that end). When I removed the Plex Provider and went entirely with pointing MA to my actual Music directory - this fixed all of the weird tagging issues.

Thanks again everyone.

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I just had something very strange happen.

I have a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W running as a Snapcast client and Wyoming satellite, and I can successfully play music to it from Music Assistant.

I was testing using the tts.speak and tts.cloud_say actions to play announcements, and they were working fine. If music was playing, I would call the action, hear the pre-announcement chime followed by the spoken message, and the music would resume shortly after. I could also target the player for TTS messages from the Media/Text-to-Speech area in Home Assistant.

But in the middle of testing, suddenly, the TTS messages ceased to be audible. They show as having played in the MA logfiles and the device history for the media player, but I hear nothing. Whether I play from Media/Text-to-Speech or calling the action from Developer Tools, the TTS files arenā€™t making sounds. I hadnā€™t changed a single setting between when they worked and when they didnā€™t.

The device still plays music just fine, and if music is playing when I send the announcement, the music ducks in volume to accommodate the silent TTS file. TTS plays locally on my browser just fine, too, and if I issue a voice command, the satellite plays an audible spoken response.

Iā€™ve restarted the satellite and restarted HA, to no avail.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this or how I might troubleshoot it?

For my bedtime routine that does a variety of things, how would I include a service call in an automation that turns off all music playing through MA?

Sorry no known working combined satellite and media player. If you get it going then let us know.

Put all the media players in a HA group and send a turn off to that?

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Thx so much

FYI, Nabu Casaā€™s ESPHome developers are working on such features for an ESP32-based ā€voice-kitā€ in an experimental fork that is planed to be used in an upcoming official Home Assistant Voice Satellite development kit hardware platform, so can follow that progress here:

It will use similar hardware components to what is used in the new ā€reSpeaker Liteā€ devkits:

There is a related feature request discussion for Music Assistant here:


QUESTION: What is the logic supposed to be insofar as what speakers are selected when you first launch MA? Iā€™ve noticed that when Iā€™ve played music to all 12 speakers, and then I pause the music or shut down my computer or shut down my browserā€¦and then later when I decide to play music again, the selected speakers has changed. Sometimes itā€™s no speakers. Sometimes itā€™s one, sometimes itā€™s one plus a few others. But the logic of what speakers were last grouped is lost to me.

Is it browser and session and location based, so if I start music on my phone, and then launch on my desktop, the selected speakers differ? And what if I leave the browser or program on the same computer?

Thanks for helping clear up my confusion.

Currently that is a preference stored in the browser session

Does it not make more sense tying speaking selection to the user who set it, rather than which browser they are at?
For instance, user harry_fine starts music on his phone in the living room. Selects X music on Y speakers.

harry_fine goes into his office, sits down at his computer to work. He gets a Zoom call on his computer, opens MA which is running on his computer through HA in order to pause the player. But instead of seeing the music he wanted, he sees no media selected and a different pairing of speakers.


Currently MA has no visibility of what user set what.