Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

@Lesboy72 HEOS native support requires a dev to step up and add the support. I am not sure what you are describing with the MA interface. Best to open a question on GitHub or thread on Discord with pictures.

Thank you but if i read correctly :

For playlists, artists, albums and radio you can simply use the name.

But it return me an error :

action: music_assistant.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.enceinte_sdb_2
  media_id: Grand Hit
  media_type: playlist
Could not resolve ['Grand Hit'] to playable media item

Sans titre

@jeremypsl The playlist has to be in the MA library.

Can I assume Linkplay devices are not supported by MA?

Can I assume you haven’t read the docs? Home Assistant - Music Assistant

That’s a good answer. I’ll trawl through that.

A yes or no would have been nice. Never mind. I tried it and it found none of my speakers/devices at all. No Frontier, no Linkplay. No nothing.

Another integration/add-on I can file under ‘wait’

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Are you saying linkplay on ha doesn’t work?

Using the native linkplay and MA - it doesn’t discover it. Removing the native linkplay - it doesn’t discover it.

Therefore I assume it is not supported.

MA shows no players and the logs show no discovery.

Hi! Thanks. I’ve currently solved it by adding the Denon amplifier to the MA via DLNA, so it plays through HEOS, but those songs don’t interfere with the playback anymore. It’ll be good for now.

What I was asking is whether your linkplay works with home assistant - ie ignore ma for the moment.

Yes it does. It has for many years - with the original HACS integration and the crippled HA integration (which I have tried a few times but always revert to the HACS version until the HA core version can do icecast and a few other things)

I can’t find playlist made by spotify in the search section of MA and if i put them in fav in Spotify account they never appear in my playlist in MA because they are not made by me but but Spotify.
Well it’s complicated

Can i just use url ? Something more direct ?

Actually we can’t find any playlist made by Spotify himself in the search section.

Spotify generated playlists are not yet supported

Then it should be able to be added to MA as a HA music provider. Home Assistant - Music Assistant

Sadly - it does not.

Can you tell us exactly what happens when you try?

I was using these to figure out my playlist urls etc. For using in the play media command. Is there a way to get this information, or is there a way to go back to the hacs install?


Yes, a custom integration will override a built in.

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I just installed Music Assistant and I still have to see the finer details on how to use it (more), especially in Automations, but I think that this Integration is awesome. THANKS

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