Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Anyone ever see this error with MA:

Iā€™ve seen the RINCON error many times, donā€™t know if same numbers. Best to post the issue on Github but with the full context, when it happens, is it reproduceable, version info etc. I think it is at:

One of your Sonos players is unavailable.

Thank you for that link. Looks like I have some leg work to do today to trace out the issues. I did find a few more clues so hopefully I will get it resolved:

Sonos - Music Assistant


Yeah I plugged it back in and also rebooted the other 2 players but it still crashed with that same error after one song or during that song was playing. I disabled MA and launched music from the Sonos S1 app and thus far it has not stopped playing. Going to enable MA again and see what happens. Strange thing is MA has been working flawlessly for weeks even with the Backyard Sonos unit unplugged from time to time. This just started happening today out of no where so not sure what changed other than updates to the HAos.

I know they recommend uninstalling the native Sonos integration from home assistant, not sure if you still got it installed.

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Can you remind me where the setting is to change how DLNA is displayed on the receiver? Currently my receiver shows ā€œMusic Assistantā€ and Iā€™d like it to show the track playing (from Plex). I know there was a setting where you could change it, but I canā€™t find itā€¦

Thanks, but I canā€™t find the documentation in there that describes how to set it up beyond autodiscovery of devices. I was hoping for a more in-depth ā€œunder the hoodā€ description so I could troubleshoot why itā€™s not working as described on that webpage.

Yeah Iā€™ll think the ma guys will need more info. Versions, logs, which music provider, which player providers.

Good afternoon, excellent work you are doing with the development of music assistant.

I am having just a small problem trying to transfer the current playlist from spotify to be played in Music Assistant.

To get the spotify URI I use SpotifyPlus, this works perfectly.


But when I use yaml to start playback it starts playing the last song and not the current playlist I am asking to play.

action: music_assistant.play_media
metadata: {}
  enqueue: play
  media_id: "{{ state_attr("media_player.spotifyplus_home", "media_context_content_id") }}"
    - media_player.music_assistant_habitacion


I already tried

"{{ state_attr("media_player.spotifyplus_home", "media_context_content_id") }}"

{{ state_attr("media_player.spotifyplus_home", "media_context_content_id") }}

state_attr("media_player.spotifyplus_home", "media_context_content_id")

Nothing works but if I send the URI text directly it works

After writing this I realized my mistake
It worked for me with

{{ state_attr('media_player.spotifyplus_home', 'media_context_content_id') }}

Thanks anyway

Is there any way to group/search by genre. I have mp3ā€™s tagged with genreā€™s that I want to put into playlists, but there seems to be no way to do it inside MA.

Hi all, sorry if this question has been asked. I have Spotify added and my Airplay HomePod setup, when a song is played on Music Assistant, it doesnā€™t sync that playing status onto my Spotify app (on iPhone/Mac), is that normal behavior? I basically can still start playing song on the Spotify app, I thought it should be recognized as some device is playing music. Thanks

@workstations-ac if players arenā€™t being discovered then that is usually because something on the network or in the network config is blocking mdns traffic.

@Rofo not yet it is on the to do list

@xzelz yes that is normal.

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