I received an email from spotify to change my password - I checked a number of online forums before doing anything and it apparently is something that spotify does to certain users when they deem there is a security breach. (I don’t do anything weird and have been running spotify now for about 10 years)
Anyway I have music assistant on my HA and the spotify source was great to use. I thought it would just be a matter of changing the password in the music assistant settings. Nope.
I’m thinking that I might need to just delete music assistant and then add it in again as I have a feeling that some info is being retained in cache??
Anyone else struck this and have a solution?
please see spotify Login failed for user · Issue #2749 · music-assistant/hass-music-assistant · GitHub
Had the same yesterday it was Music Assistant probably. Now after the update it’s searching for the login point.
Pixi has the answer above. make sure to delee the credentials in HA after changing your password.
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