Music Assistant HDMI audio output


as my Onkyo AV-Receiver is not capable of Tidal-Connect I wanted to stream Tidal on my HA Installation and output the audio via HDMI to the Receiver. I installed Music Assistant but don’t know how its possible to have the music output to the HDMI port.

ha adio info shows no hdmi port

Can someone explain how to activate the HDMI output and how to give the music stream from Music Assistant to that output?

I am running HA-OS on a RPi4

Thank you!

Edit: I have a video output on the HDMI-port where the HA-CLI is on. In the VLC-player I can just configure the Build-In stereo output wich gives me music onthe 3.5mm jack.

I just found this old thread where I found out that one of the “Build-In Audio Stereo” devices is the HDMI output.