Music Assistant in Dashboard View (not sidebar) when using https

Hi all, I have HA configured on I’m hosting my own DNS and I’m using certificates via Let’s Encrypt. I would like to now embed MA in a regular dashboard view but it appears the MA web server is only available over http and therefore the webpage card approach doesn’t work. Embedding does work with the webpage card but duplicates the HA sidebar, header etc.

How can I resolve this? The use case is I would like to get rid of the sidebar for a fully kiosk view and for mobile devices to streamline the interface.


This is the link of the dashboard.
To get the “real” link, right click inside music assistant and select This frame → Show only this frame.

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use this card: GitHub - lovelylain/ha-addon-iframe-card: HA webpage card with addon ingress support.
url: d5369777_music_assistant

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Thank you! Using this card solved my 401 unauthorised error after getting the correct URL from @JohnFLoki’s direction.

Does this still working for you or it stop working after some time?