Music Assistant integration - option for Pre-Announce chime on TTS?

I’m getting into Music Assistant a bit, and I really like the way MA handles announcements versus the standard Sonos integration. However, there’s one thing I can’t quite figure out so I wanted to check here if I’m understanding properly and it’s just a slight miss or if I’m just not going about it correctly.

Music Assistant has its own actions where I can e.g. Play Announcement. This action has options for volume and whether or not to use the pre-announcement sound. However, it requires(?) a URL of what announcement to play, so I don’t believe sending TTS in this waay is possible?

Sending TTS the ‘normal’ way to Music Assistant speakers works just fine, but (if I’m understanding correctly) does not include those extra options, so if I want the pre-announcement sound to NOT play, I have to either disable it at the speaker-level in Music Assistant or go pound rocks.

Is that all correct? In general, for announcements around the house I like the chime. But I have some automations that will announce the currently playing playlist/track/whatever and for those I’d really prefer Not to have the chime since they are triggered manually and don’t need that exta attention-getting step.Hopefully I’m missing something easy enough and I can find a way to accomplish without removing the chime from all speakers within MA.

You can check out Chime TTS which allows you to create TTS audio with/without a chime. It handles pausing your currently playing music, or generate the audio file and pass the URL to Music Assistant if you prefer instead.

Hello Richard Fisher,
Is there any particular reason you didn’t ask here in Music assistant? The people that are watching that thread are all either interested. users of, or authors of Music Assistant. They are likely your best resource.

There is also a discord server for it. Music Assistant