Music Assistant Server Install

I’m trying to install Music Assistant (MA) as a container on my Synology drive. I already have Home Assistant (HA) running as a container, and I’ve set up the HACS integration between HA and MA. However, I still need to install MA as its own container.

I’ve gone through the documentation here Installation - Music Assistant, but it’s a bit overwhelming. In Synology’s Docker app, I started creating a new container. The first question is: how do I import the Music Assistant image from a URL into the container?

I think this is the correct approach, but if there’s a better way to set up MA as its own container, I’d appreciate your guidance.


in the docker app supposing is Container manager, you can create a docker compose:
Project, create path and select create source compose.
Copy and paste the compose.yaml file and adapt the path according to your paths.

Otherwise you can import using the url:



hope it helps

Thank you! - So im not sure where the “compose.yaml” file is.

Also if i try those links I get an error "Incorrect Type. Expected “Compose Specification”.

If you’re unfamiliar with setting up and running docker containers (like I am) , I’d suggest going the supervisor route. That way, you’ll be able to setup and run Music Assistant very easily! I’m running HA OS in a VM alongside with some other docker containers. With a VM manager like proxmox, you have the best of both worlds


a compose.yaml file is a way to specify the setup of the container using docker compose addon.

I would suggest you a couple of tutorial, video and written:


these introduce you the docker on Synology.

Just as an example following your link to MA docs the compose file is under Docker compose paragraph.

The error suggest that this compose file is missing, wrong or incomplete.
I have a bit of experience with docker container but little experience with Synology nas docker management.

ok im pretty far now and i got the package to start building the container but im now receiving one error where is says the location doesn’t exist even though it does. See attached screenshot.


Can you post the docker compose yaml file?

Ok double checked this is an error due to some misconfiguration in the part under


in the compose.yaml file.

in this section:

      - ${USERDIR:-$HOME}/docker/music-assistant-server/data:/data/

you have to replace ${USERDIR:-$HOME}/docker/music-assistant-server/data with the correct path that you setup in the NAS.
Looking at the picture something like: /replace_with_my_path/music-assistant-server/data or similar.

Thank You! - I got that working and I have my music assistant working. I integrated it to the home assistant but the problem is i dont see anything on the side bar.


You need to add a web page access because it is like accessing to another webpage IPofyourserver:8095.

Settings>Dashboard>Add>webpage input ip:8095 it will appear on sidebar.

Integration for my use is more for a reciprocal control and automation and leveraging on each other apps potential using both app combined for announcement and to use players that are in ha only maybe.
Potentially you can have the web page of music assistant showing in homeassistant without integration addon.
But you will not be able to use homeassistant player and not able to make automation or announcement from HA via MA.
Happy you could sort it out!

That did the trick. Thanks so much. I thought Home Assistant just added this as integration? With that said, why would you have to manually create a dashboard?


You are on docker and with docker is not the same as OS.
In OS the addons are dockers installed within the HAOS.
In docker mode you need to handle your addons.

See the table Container column at this page

I see this post and have a similar issue.
I have the Music Assistant server up and running in a docker container.
This is done all in Casaos no issues on this end.
My server IP is All apps run fine with the correct port number for MA this is 8095.
Now I MA I want to do the Home Assistant Plugin. When I enter for the URL and press (re)authenticate Home Assistant I get a message stating that is not a valid URL!
What I’m I doing wrong?

PS. My HA Settings/Network are set to

Forget about this one got it working needed to enter http://ipadres:8123