I am trying to write an automation which will change and adapt colors of the light based on the genre of the music that I am playing on spotify.
Unfortunately it seems that this information is not present on the state of the Spotify integration (or well not directly).
I am wondering if this can be derived from the media_content_id.
Any suggestion?
- iPhone
- Giulio’s MacBook Pro
- Camera
icon: mdi:spotify
friendly_name: Spotify Giulio
supported_features: 444983
volume_level: 0.3
media_content_id: spotify:track:3I10tZ5MgEMo4WryCNJkZQ
media_content_type: music
media_duration: 230.945
media_position: 178.572
media_position_updated_at: '2023-04-22T10:16:53.424000+00:00'
media_title: Won't Forget You (Edit)
media_artist: Shouse
media_album_name: Won't Forget You
media_track: 2
source: Salotto + 1
shuffle: false
repeat: 'off'
entity_picture: >-