Mutli-Room Audio Player

Multi-Room audio without mopidy, snapcast, etc.


  • VLC Player installed on endpoints
  • Home Assistant
  • browser_mod
  • lovelace-multiple-entity-row
  • google tts integration

I’ve developed a fully working multi-room player “MRP” that also does chimed announcements:

Radio ‘Mode’:

Announcement ‘Mode’:

I have created it as a package, you will be able to find it shortly on my Github

[EDIT 22 May 2024 (ya, I know … sorry it’s been so long)]
The original concept has been ‘cleaned up’, but the basics are still there. I’ve since changed the base card into a custom button card, and a single-click will open the settings popup [provided by browser-mod].

I use the docker containers to set up streams to icecast for the sources, so take a look at those. If you can pipe your audio to vlc, you can send it to icecast, and then to your endpoint(s).

Let me know what y’all think!


I’m OK with HA, but I am interested in this.

Are there detailed install instructions?

I was looking at the files on Guthub. Is this ONLY for radio stations? Can we use other media inputs such as Spotify, Chromecast, etc.?

unfortunately the link doesn’t work anymore.

I never realized anyone would be even remotely interested in this; I’m reworking it now, and will edit the OP to have the right link

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@reotto, @captaincanada You can find my hass config at my github repo, here.

I also have the docker container setups I use to stream music as a source to the media_player entities as repos.

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Here is a link to a command-line based spotify client(???): I guess you can do something similar to what I did with pianobar and push it to icecast too…