My 1st HA Project...Stud or Dud?

I have not been this excited about a project for quite some time! Knowing that something challenging awaits me but the results will be much more rewarding at the end of it; makes me feel like a little kid with a new tinker toy.

My system will be comprised of a RPi3 with and an Aeotec Z-Wave controller. I based this decision off various opions here and watching YouTube. I am without a doubt going to have a lot to learn along the way. Like I said, that excited me about this. I have not properly researched though, what my shortcomings would be with this build. I am curious to know what I won’t be able to do in the future (either hardware or software) because of my intended setup.

Have I limited the flexibility of my future plans (whatever those might be)? I am still so new to HA and it’s capabilities as well as all the various add-ons, devices, protocols, etc. I am not even sure they all play nice together. One thing is for certain…I basically refuse to use a major corporate hub at this point. I want to do everything possible to have control over this system. But will I truly be able to have all that control being so limited in my knowledge at this point. I don’t want to be down a rabbit hole for too long and waste a bunch of time and money before I realize I went in the wrong direction.

Like the saying goes, it is hard to know what you have not yet learned to know. Which means, you will not know how to ask the right question to get the answer to something which you do not know.


Ooooo…Look what just arrived this morning! Time to get started. Only problem is I don’t have my first device. Looks like I will be purchasing something from a box store today to at least start learning.