I wrote an autonation that should charge my car (it is called Ingeborg), when I plug it to the wallbox.
When the battery is at 20 percent loading should stop.
For starting and stopping the charging process i wrote two scripts (because I use PV surplus to charge). But those two scripts work 100%.
The automation should not run if its not a workday, and it also shouldnt run if I set the created input boolean to false.
If the car is plugged it should start loading if
- the battery is below 20% and
- it hasnt charged this day (for this I created a boolean helper and turn it on, when charging has finished. It goes false every night at 00:05 am.
when my cars battery is over 19% charging should stop.
My automation runs, but nothing is executed. I have no idea why.
alias: Ingeborg Zwangsladen
description: ""
- trigger: state
- binary_sensor.go_echarger_car
from: "off"
to: "on"
id: Auto verbunden
- trigger: numeric_state
- sensor.ingeborg_verbleibende_batterie_in_prozent
above: 19
id: Auto geladen
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.ingeborg_morgens_zwangsladen
state: "on"
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
state: "on"
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- Auto verbunden
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.ingeborg_wurde_zwangsgeladen
state: "off"
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.ingeborg_verbleibende_batterie_in_prozent
below: 20
- action: input_boolean.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: input_boolean.ingeborg_wurde_zwangsgeladen
- action: script.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: script.wallbox_volle_leistung
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
- Auto geladen
- action: automation.turn_on
metadata: {}
data: {}
entity_id: automation.pvwallbox
mode: single
For me it looks like the automation is cancelled at the first option blog.
But I really dont know what ive done wrong.
It looks like all the conditions are true.
For example today the boolean was false and my battery was at 5%. So it should have turned the car loading on, but as you see in the screenshot, nothing happened.