My Energ Dashboard stopped working

Good day,

I just noticed that after some update in the past month or so, My energy dashboard has stopped working.


Here is my config:

- platform: template
# Statistics for Energy Dashboard kWh

- platform: integration

  source: sensor.multiplus_power_from_grid

  name: "Multiplus Energy from Grid"

  unit_prefix: k

  #  unit_time: d

  round: 2

- platform: integration

  source: sensor.multiplus_power_to_grid

  name: "Multiplus Energy to Grid"

  unit_prefix: k

  #  unit_time: d

  round: 2

- platform: integration

  source: sensor.multiplus_power_from_battery

  name: "Multiplus Energy from Battery"

  unit_prefix: k

  round: 2

- platform: integration

  source: sensor.multiplus_power_to_battery

  name: "Multiplus Energy to Battery"

  unit_prefix: k

  round: 2

- platform: integration

  source: sensor.ac_consumption_l1

  name: "Multiplus Total Energy"

  unit_prefix: k

  #  unit_time: d

  round: 2