My first Template

After about a year of learning and setting up my system, it’s time to learn templates. I thought I was starting with something super easy, but I’m doing something wrong and hoping someone can help.

I’m using the yahoo finance integration. It pulls in a list of attributes and I’m trying to create a state from one of those attributes, but the state returns “none”

        friendly_name: "AAPL pct"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('yahoofinance.aapl','RegularMarketChangePercent')}}"
        unique_id: APPL_pct

My assumption was that would pull in the attribute ‘RegularMarketChangePercent’, but that is not the case. In the event it’s helpful, here are the attributes available

attribution: Data provided by Yahoo Finance
currencySymbol: $
symbol: ISTNX
quoteSourceName: Delayed Quote
averageDailyVolume10Day: 16
averageDailyVolume3Month: 1745
fiftyDayAverage: 284.3
fiftyDayAverageChange: -17.09
fiftyDayAverageChangePercent: -0.0
postMarketChange: -0.03
postMarketChangePercent: -0.1
postMarketPrice: 267.
regularMarketChange: 0.34
regularMarketChangePercent: 0.13
regularMarketDayHigh: 27
regularMarketDayLow: 26
regularMarketPreviousClose: 26
regularMarketPrice: 267.25
regularMarketVolume: 14
twoHundredDayAverage: 261.2
twoHundredDayAverageChange: 6.0
twoHundredDayAverageChangePercent: 0.02
trending: up
unit_of_measurement: USD
friendly_name: …
icon: ‘mdi:trending-up’

The template is case sensitive, so it should be regularMarketChangePercent and not RegularMarketChangePercent.

I wish I had asked this yesterday. I knew it was something dumb. Thanks so much!