My Garden Irrigation

Hi @ekkesa. How Can I fix this?
I am receiving telegram msg with 0 minutes of duration
Thanks in advance

I haven’t had a chance to look into this but have you defined the raining now sensor?

any help on this:?

I have and I have confirmed it returns on or off as it should. The template seems to error on the first line where it is evaluating Cycle 3 running or not. The error is “UndefinedError: ‘trigger’ is undefined”.

I had that same error and had to manually set the state of “input_text.irrigation_external_sensor_controller_wifi” to the sensor of my controller.

Wich is the senor of my controller? I dont get that. sorry

When you check the state of “sensor.irrigation_status”, do you see the WiFi signal strength (RSSI Value)?

Also, check your “item_settings_controller_wifi_signal.yaml” and compare to mine below. It appears I had to also manually specify my sensor entity near the top.

# lovelace_gen

#=== Controller WiFi Signal
type: custom:button-card
entity: sensor.sprinkler_status
name: >
    var statestr = (entity === undefined || entity.state === undefined) ? 'undefined' : entity.state;
    var unit_om = (statestr != 'undefined' && entity.attributes.unit_of_measurement) ? entity.attributes.unit_of_measurement : '';
    return '{{ name }}' + ' (' + entity.state + ' ' + unit_om + ')'
icon: "[[[ return (entity === undefined || entity.state == 'unavailable') ? 'mdi:wifi-off' : 'mdi:wifi'; ]]]"
show_state: true
state_display: <elt><ha-icon icon=mdi:square-edit-outline></ha-icon></elt>
size: 30%
    - grid-template-areas: '"i n s"'
    - grid-template-columns: 15% auto 5%
    - grid-template-rows: 1fr
    - font-family: "[[[ return states['input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family'].state ]]]"
    - font-size: 15px
    - padding: 0em 1.5em 0em 0em
    - background: none
    - box-shadow: none
    - justify-self: start
  - value: 'unavailable'
        - color: var(--accent-color)
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
        - color: var(--accent-color)
        - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
  action: call-service
  service: browser_mod.popup
    title: Irrigation Controller
    hide_header: true
      type: vertical-stack
        - type: markdown
          content: Enter the name of the sensor for your irrigation controller WiFi signal strength.

                  Leave blank to reset to default.
          style: >
            ha-card {
              font-family: {% raw %}{{ states('input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family') }}{% endraw %};
              font-size: 16px;
        - type: entities
            - entity: input_text.irrigation_external_sensor_controller_wifi
              name: Sensor Name
            - entity: input_number.irrigation_controller_offline_wait
              name: Seconds To Wait When Offline
            - type: section

          style: >
            ha-card {
              font-family: {% raw %}{{ states('input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family') }}{% endraw %};
        - type: markdown
          content: You can disable the switches to prevent irrigation while testing.
          style: >
            ha-card {
              font-family: {% raw %}{{ states('input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family') }}{% endraw %};
              font-size: 16px;
        - type: entities
            - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_disable_switches
          style: >
            ha-card {
              font-family: {% raw %}{{ states('input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family') }}{% endraw %};
      - this
      $: |
        .mdc-dialog {
            backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
        .mdc-dialog .mdc-dialog__container .mdc-dialog__surface {
            border-radius: 1em;
            box-shadow: 0em 0em 0.5em;

thanks for your answer, but I dont really understand.
I do not have any WiFi Controller for my watering system.
How do I check the state of “sensor.irrigation_status”?

How are you controlling the zones or valves for your watering? Is that device wireless? Some people use Sonoff 4ch, several Sonoff Basics, or some form of an ESP chip which most have wifi built-in.

thanks @jgosnell.
YES, with my sonoff 4ch and this is the wifi signal of it: sensor.watering_4ch_wifi_signal
where do I configure that device?

it works!!! I use your file with my sensor!

1 Like

You are welcome.

@jgosnell do you how can I fix the duration time that telegram sent?
I use the telegram script from this thread but the msg tells me that the total cycle will be 0 minutes
Did you try it?

Unfortunately I cannot help with that. I use push notifications with the HA Android app instead of Telegram.

Anyone done sensor.irrigation_weather_outlook with smart weather. Could you post your yaml for that sensor. Or with any other weather integration except dark sky as i cant get an API key. Thanks

I was not able to use SmartWeather for that sensor since there is no description provided in the API for my local stations. I have had to use several weather integrations to get all the data I need for my HA cards. The outlook or description actually comes from the NWS integration.

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('weather.kmdq_daynight', 'forecast')[0].detailed_description }}

Hi all,
I’ve been trying to digest info from this thread but it is REALLy long! So apologies for the basic questions, but just trying to figure out if it makes sense to keep going with this (very impressive tool - so props for creating it!).

I am growing in a veggies in vertical gardens in a greenhouse (and have a bunch of other plants around too). The vertical gardens are set up for drip irrigation, so I am setting up a system to control it. The goals are (a) being able to go on vacation without killing my plants, (b) be able to start with a single zone and expand as I figure out how to water rest of greenhouse, and © avoiding flooding the place from some malfunction of irrigation.

While I have a Tempest smart weather station at home, the biggest factor it seems to me is the temp inside the greenhouse, which can get over 110 F! I have a temp sensor in the greenhouse publishing the temp via MQTT and getting picked up in HA.

A couple questions:

  • It seems that this system calculates evapotransporation. Is it correct that it adjusts watering schedule in response to changes in temp? (rainfall not relevant inside the greenhouse, so just care about temp)
  • It seems from the Smart Weather config or perhaps some other adjustments that I should be able to change the weather the tool uses to my local temp sensor, correct?

Any other pointers on this or other irrigation packages that make sense would be much appreciated!

Really sorry but as I said above I have no spare time for HA at the moment.

But, really quickly as I don’t want you to waste your time…

No, not exactly. I use a simple algorithm I created a couple of years ago that is way more basic than looking at evapotranspiration.

There is another system on the forum that does do some sophisticated calculations though


If I understand the question correctly, yes.

Hello, did any of you had problems with disk space filling very fast after installing the Garden Irrigation scripts?
Yesterday I noticed that my HA container is 80 Gb!!!
I did a backup and then a Wipe & Restore but now my RPi4 is unresponsive.
I fear I must completely wip my SSD and reinstall everything from scratch…
Later edit1: I did the whole reinstallation from scratch, then I restored my latest snapshot but hassio seems to be stuck in a loop, some pages I can see and some not, it keeps saying that it wants to start and to have patience but it doesn’t work.
At first I thought maybe the snapshot does not contain some folders like hacs or the addons but actually it also restored them, so I am totally confused and don’t know what to do.
More than this my Rpi4 is totally unresponsive as it tries continuously to load hassio I guess …