My Garden Irrigation

No mate, it drove me insane until I just gave up and now set my watering days to the day before the actual day.
So it waters on the right day, even though after watering it statea that it’s not a scheduled day :joy:

@Birindo, @SimonPth,

As I’ve said I (still) really have no time for HA at the moment but this intrigued me so I tested mine, wondering if something I didn’t notice had broken with an update of HA. (It’s winter here in the UK so I haven’t needed to irrigate for a while!).

My system started the cycle at the time I set as normal. I can only think there is something up with time zones either on your system…
…or in my code but for the life of me I don’t know where that could be. The trigger is simple:

      #=== Cycle 1 Start Time
      - platform: time
        at: input_datetime.irrigation_cycle1_start_time

Hi Klogg,

thanks for your reply. I try to explain better in order to avoid you lose time.
The trigger is ok and cycles 1 and 2 start at the right hour.
But I saw that it runs cycles of previous day.

and as conseguente, DETAILS of LAST RUN and HISTORY TOTAL are wrong.

As last History Total calculation is wrong (usually in lack)

If you have any suggestion… Thanks a lot

Ah, ok. Sorry I misunderstood.
I’ll try to find some time to look at this.

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Help me. Home Assistant core-2021.2.3. My Garden Irrigation not open popup. It works manually and automatically.I cannot change the times and zones.

There are some breaking changes with the latest browser_mod (see the docs) and I plan to upload all the necessary changes when I get time but I think the minimum you need to change for now is to remove all the occurances of:

      - this

I am not 100% sure but will check when I can. The browser_mod docs along with the latest custom:button-card should help you if you can’t wait.

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I have already tried a fresh install of browser mod and button card, but without success. My Garden Irrigation works but no changes can be made. Thank

I’m sorry. Where do I find the occurances: deviceID:
- this
to delete.

Look in your templates/garden>settings> general folder. You should find all of your settings yaml files in there like the “item_settings_weather_sesnors.yaml” for instance. Look through all of those settings files and remove or comment out the deviceID section. I just commented mine out like this:

         style: >
            ha-card {
              font-family: {% raw %}{{ states('input_text.irrigation_ui_font_family') }}{% endraw %};
#    deviceID:
#      - this
      $: |
        .mdc-dialog {
            backdrop-filter: blur(5px);

Hope that helps get you going in the right path. I had to restart HA before the changes would take affect for me.


Seems like the Italian setup url isn’t working anymore. Sad, cause I was just implementing it his way.

Hi @klogg , sorry, way you able to take a look into the code and answer me for the question above?

Is there a way to check if the system is actually noticing it’s raining or not? My sensor is called binary_sensor.sensorepioggia_contact which has state on (raining) or off (dry). Something like a cloudy raining icon or whatever that confirms me that the sensor is read by your solution correctly and the garden irrigation not starting.



Hi Simon,
I just added my binary sensor to a generic card on another “tab” of my Dashboard so I could see what the sensor value was easily during rain and sunshine. You could also evaluate the sensor value in the developer>templates area. Hopefully this will help you out a little. I have read that @klogg is very busy these days and may not respond for a while.

Hello @jgosnell,
Actually I’m able to check my binary sensor status. What I would like to know is to see if the irrigation system is considering it correctly, in example if the rain sensor is triggered, a message from the page that actually the system will not start with the schedule because it’s raining. I know I could stimulate schedule and trigger the sensor but a message would help.
Maybe I could add the status of the sensor into the page as well but on the next update it would be lost.
Thanks for the help!

I have tried unsuccessfully. With these changes My Garden no longer works.

You could try setting logging to a higher level for automations and then check your logs to see if the system will log as it steps though the conditions. Just a thought.

Hi, I have the same problem with Home Assistant 2021.3.4 Pop-ups only work for weather station font change and only 1 time for cycles. I managed to change the name but nothing more. I can’t even plug in my sonoff switches. And only by applying the changes suggested by jgosnell. Using the editor to view yaml files and many give typos such as the file section_settings_rainfall.yaml (bad indentation of a sequence entry at line 40, column 19:
- entity: input_number.irrigation_days_o …
^). Can anyone solve and help me?

There has been a few breaking changes in the past couple of months, and like for me and Klogg the growing season has not started as yet, and if i remember right Klogg was not going to update until closer to that time, so i would hold tight for the time being until its sorted.

" There are some breaking changes with the latest browser_mod (see the docs) and I plan to upload all the necessary changes when I get time but I think the minimum you need to change for now is to remove all the occurrences of: "

Hi, thank you for the quick reply … yes I had read about klogg and also about the changes … I was hoping that someone had somehow solved it. Then I will wait with confidence. thank you

Hello @jgosnell
I’ve tried to debug the automations but without success.
For now I’m testing a straight forward morning cycle, but it doesn’t start at all. It’s shown as scheduled, but after execution nothing happens and the last execution shown “Details of last run” is the manual execution, not the scheduled. Even if considering or not my sensor. I fear it’s related on the issues above with the mods that should be added?
In addition I’ve always this error in the General settings page:

ButtonCardJSTemplateError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined in 'var statestr = (entity === undefined || entity.state === undefined) ? 'undefined' : entity.state; ...'

Ideas? It’s related to item_settings_controller_wifi_signal.yaml


today is saturday and this morning I saw that the irrigation didn’t start. So I checked. I have seen that the “will end about” was wrong.

Immagine 2021-03-20 102328

I checked with some debugging and found that the “today” (in garden_globals_cycles_1.yaml) variable did not update. It is Fri instead of Sat.

I have checked and sensor date works well.

Immagine 2021-03-20 100141

If I restart hassio will work again.
Someone knows how to solve this problem?

more screens: