My Garden Irrigation

Thanks @klogg would be nice to include some logging.
BTW as soon I’ve created the two boolean helpers, ( logging_irrigation and logging_irrigation_clear_log ) the gui was working back again even on the app!
Waiting for news!

Ok, I’ve added those files.
I hope it all makes sense!!

thanks to @klogg for keeping the whole system up to date

I left it unused for a while (broken valve), but now it’s time to reactivate it. I found it was no longer working due to browser-mod changes, but fortunately I found the updated version here.

However, it doesn’t work: I think the problem is that the automation doesn’t find the logging commands.

I saw the new Logging folder, with the related yaml, but I don’t know how to include them in HA: do I have to make some specific !include in the configuration.yaml?

Thank you very much for your work

Hi, where can i change this wrong ? In which file ?

Sorry, I’ve been away.

The Logging folder can go anywhere so long as it is available as part of your packages.

I’m uploading some changes.

The Zone info pop up now shows the time adjusted for weather:


The History now shows the time in minutes and seconds instead of fractions of an hour. (I gave up waiting for the history sensor to be changed to be a sensible unit). It is only approximate because as far as I can tell the history sensor measure down to two decimal places of an hour.


And finally, each cycle can now wait at its start time for a specified entity to be in a certain state.

This might help those who have a master valve and need to be sure it is on before starting. I use it to make sure my robotic lawn mower is docked.

The only file that changed that is critical is irrigation_triggered.yaml as that has the logic for the wait. It is not an easy thing to test but I have done my best! The only other changes are in the front end and the addition of some new helpers (input_*) so it should be a safe upgrade.
Or at least an easy backout if there is anything wrong!

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Hi @klogg, many thanks for your work.
Question: is it possible to run Manual schedule few times a day using HASS automation. Is there any way to trigger it?

Cycle 3 is triggered by:


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So I assume this should work:


  • alias: “Turn irrigation on”
    - platform: time
    at: “2:00:00”
    - platform: time
    at: “6:00:00”
    - platform: time
    at: “10:00:00”
    - platform: time
    at: “14:00:00”
    - platform: time
    at: “18:00:00”
    - platform: time
    at: “22:00:00”
    - condition: state
    - input_boolean.irrigation_cycle1_running
    - input_boolean.irrigation_cycle2_running
    - input_boolean.irrigation_cycle3_running
    state: ‘off’
    - service: input_boolean.turn_on
    entity_id: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle3_running

Yes I think so, It’s a long time since I looked at the code in any detail.

You can try it and see and also remember that you can use testing mode and also run it without actually turning on the valves.


Yep, above code worked.

Additional question: History totals. I just see 0s on all entries … even that I used it yesterday and today. Is there anything to be done to get it working?

Hi, i’ve seen update june 2023.
What’s the procedure to update my system?
I don’t know the version of my system… how can i check it?

In my interface pop-up doesn’t work! I’ve tried removing by hacs and form integrations with no results. Any ideas?

Hello, i have a little problem with the Irrigation System:

The Lovelace Dashboard shows an “Unknown Error” and “Reload UI” right after opening it. So far I haven’t been able to find a solution. The latest HA version is used (2023.7.3).

Does anyone knows an solution for this?

@klogg do you have plans to add moisture sensor maybe per zone to check it before running schedule?
Mostly same what you have done for “master valve” Wait For Entity.

Sorry but I have no plans at the moment.
If you raise an issue on GitHub at least it will visible to me if I decide to look at adding improvements.

To be honest at the moment I have much less time for HA than I used to and as the system works so reliably for me, does a lot more than I need it to do and I assume from the lack of chatter, works for anyone else who is using it, it is slow priority for me to make any changes.

Having said that, I would like to get around to a complete rewrite one day - this version is 2 or 3 years old now - but when that will be I really don’t know.

If there are feature requests logged, there is more chance (because I will remember!) that they will be included if/when that happens (or in the unlikely event that I find myself at a loose end and looking for something to do!).


I have installed and configured the solution.
I have 4 zone that work in manual but not in automatic.
After some search i have found that the “sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone1_switch to sensor.irrigation_sensor_zone4_switch” does not exist in the system. I think that the problem is due to this mistake.
Could someone help me to solve it ?

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@klog could you please help me to solve my problem regarding some sensor/switch that are not created by the package:
 - sensor.irrigation_sensor_zoneXX_switch
 - switch.garden_irrigation_relay_zoneXX
These sensors and switchs are not avalaibl on the system.
I have correctly configured the different zones (4 zones).
It work well in manual mode.
It work also in automatic mode when I disable 'Ignore schedules if it is raining'
The 'HISTORY TOTALS' is not refreshed


Hello @klogg,
I finally manage to solve the problem of zone automatic start.
However it remain the the ‘HISTORY TOTALS’ statistics which remain at 0.
I try to understand and checked the irrigation_global_zones.yaml file.
In that file I find:

  #=== Zone History Sensors - TODAY
  - platform: history_stats
    name: irrigation_zone1_total_time_today
    entity_id: switch.garden_irrigation_relay_zone1
    state: 'on'
    type: time
    start: '{{ now().replace(hour=0).replace(minute=0).replace(second=0) }}'
    end: '{{ now() }}'

The history is managed by switch.garden_irrigation_relay_zone1. This switch does not exist and it is not created by the package (I have searched in the package files).

I don’t know if it is a package issue or if the problem is due to my installation.

Thanks for your help

i still have problem with pop-ups. No pop-ups at all. Any suggestions? ideas? @klogg ?