My Garden Irrigation

Yes I agree.

Unfortunately I am not sure how to help as I don’t use, and never have used, storage mode.

I am sure someone here might be able to guide you?

Thanks @ManniTom ! It does the trick!
Hadn’t understood if @klogg has explained the reason why. Meanwhile now I’ve the view clean !
Thanks, Simon

Hi @klogg,

I would like to know if it is possible to start at the same time a dedicated zone with a general valve.
I have 3 zones (valves) and 1 general valve which is used to open or close the input flow.
To start a dedicated zone (for example zone 1), I need to open the valve 1 and the general valve.


This question comes up regularly.
The short answer is no but the longer answer is that there is no reason you can’t add this yourself.

I am pretty sure others have done this?

I am considering a rewrite :scream: of this system over the next few months. I haven’t made my mind up yet as it still works perfectly for me and more than meets my needs. However, when I look at the code now I think some of it could be improved/streamlined. We’ll see. If I do, this is one feature I will add.

But don’t wait for me to do it, as I said am only thinking about it so you might wait a long time!

@klogg, yhanks for your answer.

Let me ask if someone already implement this fonctionnality.

@klogg, regarding this subject, can I use the second cycle to control the general valve and the cycle 1 to controle the other zones ?

I suppose in theory you could do this by setting a zone up as though it were an ordinary valve but that mean you had a permanent warning displayed because the system would see that the two cycles were overlapping.

I would not think it was a great solution though. And definitely untested!

I’ve implemented my irrigation system using esphome. So i use the esphome automation that automatically start the water pump (it open a switch talking in home assistant language).
You could do this with HA automation when the cycle starts.

Ok. I will try by using a dedicated automation.

Thanks for your help.

Short question: i changed my personal weather station, so i have new sensors which should be used by this integartion.
How is it possible to re-configure the whole thing? Or is there any file i can edit and update the components? Or do i need to uninstall and re-install this integration?

EDIT: jmust saw the note in the github. No clue where to edit exactly within .storage, so doing a re-installation of the integration.

I’d love to get this to work it looks like it would be incredibly useful!

Unfortunately I can’t seem to get this installed correctly.

I’m fairly new to HA and very new to using yaml for a dashboard. I looked at the initial installation info and read through the Italian version of it (, and got to the point where I thought I did everything I was supposed to but when I click on irrigation I get a red page that says Custom element doesn’t exist: horizontal-layout.

I tried searching through this forum for a solution but couldn’t figure it out.

I think the problem is that I’m not understanding where I should enter all the HACS custom components.

I downloaded them all in HACS components and they exist in the Hacsfiles path so I’m okay on that front, but where should those js paths be specified?

  mode: yaml
    - type: module
      url: browser_mod.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/config-template-card/config-template-card.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-state-switch/state-switch.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-hui-element/hui-element.js
    - type: module
      url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-time-picker-card/time-picker-card.js
    - url:
      type: css
    - url:
      type: css

I tried adding them to the configuration.yaml along with:


  mode: storage
      mode: yaml
      title: Irrigation
      show_in_sidebar: true
      filename: irrigation.yaml

but I couldn’t get the editor to like it. I kept getting errors from the editor about a duplicated mapping key.

So instead I added it the js paths inside irrigation.yaml, and that is where I am stuck. The editor allowed me to save that change but cleary I’m not doing something correctly.

Can someone provide insights into where I can put those js paths so I can get further along?

Thanks a bunch!

What am i missing?Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘state’)

This i fixed
wrong !include_dir_named package (missing the ‘s’)

Now i have this error :

And where do i add the night_or_day sensor ? code

Hi @klogg , still fighting with UI outout which gives me same errors back again, up to the client I’m using. With chrome works now, with Androd app not.
BTW, now I’m having issues with the rainfall adjustments. If enabled, the scheduler wont start.
Which atomations and or logs should I check to identify the cause it’s not woking?
I’ve found a script irrigation write to log which sounds good, but it shows me the follow if I check the trace of the execution.
Error: In 'state' condition: unknown entity input_boolean.logging_irrigation
Would that write logs somewhere?

And @raven4is

That’s my mistake.

I have written a subsystem for my own logging and I mistakenly included the irrigation specific bits it in the Github repo.
There are a couple of other files needed that include some globals.

I will find some time today I will add that code to the repo so you can use it if you want to.
(It will also be mostly a copy and paste operation if you want to use it for anything else in your config, but you don’t have to of course)

As to your other, more important issues, right now I don’t know. I will try to find time to look but once you have the extra logging code you could easily add extra log events. Again, if you want to.

Thanks @klogg would be nice to include some logging.
BTW as soon I’ve created the two boolean helpers, ( logging_irrigation and logging_irrigation_clear_log ) the gui was working back again even on the app!
Waiting for news!

Ok, I’ve added those files.
I hope it all makes sense!!

thanks to @klogg for keeping the whole system up to date

I left it unused for a while (broken valve), but now it’s time to reactivate it. I found it was no longer working due to browser-mod changes, but fortunately I found the updated version here.

However, it doesn’t work: I think the problem is that the automation doesn’t find the logging commands.

I saw the new Logging folder, with the related yaml, but I don’t know how to include them in HA: do I have to make some specific !include in the configuration.yaml?

Thank you very much for your work

Hi, where can i change this wrong ? In which file ?

Sorry, I’ve been away.

The Logging folder can go anywhere so long as it is available as part of your packages.

I’m uploading some changes.

The Zone info pop up now shows the time adjusted for weather:


The History now shows the time in minutes and seconds instead of fractions of an hour. (I gave up waiting for the history sensor to be changed to be a sensible unit). It is only approximate because as far as I can tell the history sensor measure down to two decimal places of an hour.


And finally, each cycle can now wait at its start time for a specified entity to be in a certain state.

This might help those who have a master valve and need to be sure it is on before starting. I use it to make sure my robotic lawn mower is docked.

The only file that changed that is critical is irrigation_triggered.yaml as that has the logic for the wait. It is not an easy thing to test but I have done my best! The only other changes are in the front end and the addition of some new helpers (input_*) so it should be a safe upgrade.
Or at least an easy backout if there is anything wrong!

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