My Garden Irrigation

I did start on this a while ago but the method I used failed due to a bug feature in HA.
( Reload of input_text should also reset to initial - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (

I couldn’t think of an alternative and simple way to implement this natively in HA.
But if anyone has any ideas…

A guy here in german Forum has it working… Funny…

Also a Problem: I can’t see the Value on the slider… Is there a way to correct this?

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Next issue?

Only the first cycle is added to End Time…?

When i try to cancel a cycle:

Keeps watering…

Haven’t looked at the issue, but might be best to log the problems on the GitHub repo, that way they’re trackable and able to be tied together…


i don’t know why it’s so buggy for me. Installed the latest Github version again but same problems…

I removed everything now and i need to check other solutions. Thank you anyway…

Hi, i followed this instruction step by step (translated it via google translate to english) and its working for me - have you tried this one?

Hi @klogg, thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful project - i started using your irrigation system v1 two years ago and it never failed me. Due to the latest HA-updates i thought “lets give this v2 a try” and after some tinkering, its working for me - so thanks again!!
I followed the instruction at (thanks to google translate).

One last topic ist active - i’m using an additional ESPhome switch to control my water pump - where would be the best spot to implement this in your cycles, especially the manual cycle?

It’s a long time since I looked at this code in detail (which I guess is a good thing as it means it just works - for most people :wink: ) but I am pretty sure you could implement this with a small addition to the automation irrigation_run_a_cycle in the file garden_irrigation_run_a_cycle.yaml. Look for the comments #=== Start watering and #=== Stop watering.

Or you could follow the suggestion by ‘genestealer’ in Issue #44 on Github and

simply add a separate automation, triggered by the state-change of the downstream valves.

That would have the advantage of being outside the package and not affected by any changes that might be made to the package.

I hope that helps.

I tried to configure it using the italian instruction but obviously something is not loading as expected and i have no clue whats wrong.

Any ideas?

Great, clean and simple, I could have thought of it myself. :wink:

#=== Run all the zones in turn

  • service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.yourswitch

  • service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.yourswitch

is there a way to flush all settings that were made?

I deleted all files and downloaded everything new but Names that i gave are stored somewhere else…

Any ideas?

Found the problem for the Cancel a cycle problem! Not all switches were selected properly. Had some zones named just with “switch.” - changed them to switch.irrigation_dummy_switch and all works…

Was everyone here using the italian how to? Is there anything i need to do that is not listed in that guide?
Btw. i have Dwains Dashboard installed, maybe this causes some trouble but it does not work if i disable it as well.

Well, i’ve installed via the italian how to.
The first time i had always errors.
Restarted from a clean HA install, followed line by line the guide and all works perfectly.
I haven’t installed yet the weather sensor / rain sensor.
there arent missing instruction in that guide.
You have to restart HA for two time after the installation to make irrigation work.
It uses a lot of custom components that gives me frequently errors that goes away with a restart.

I found the problem which is quite strange.
The problem is that google translate (using MacOS and Safari, don’t know if its browser based) although translate the code and adds e.g. letters. (include → includes)

Translated version:


So everyone with problems should check the code itself :slight_smile:

Hi , I am trying to use my wheater sensor data for temperature and rain but I don’t know from where to start.

this is my source for data in sensor.yaml

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "raintoday"
    state_topic: "CumulusMX/DataUpdate"
    unit_of_measurement: 'mm'
    value_template: '{{ value_json.raintoday }}'

How I can use this data in irrigation and how?
Thank you