My Garden Irrigation

Possibly, but I’m not going to bother testing, haha! I’m just glad it’s working.

Mine works OK

@ toddel How did you get / create the raining now sensor from the netatmo ?

How many zones do you have?

8 Zones plus 1 main valve

Did you ever have more than 8?
Another user here had 5, then moved to 4 but forgot to remove the duration on the 5th zone, even though it was disabled and had this exact fault.

A little off track, how do you drive your main valve?

Its a sensor from the netatmo rain gauge. Sensor.Netatmo…_rain. It counts the actual rain 24h

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No, i have a fresh installation…

Main valve is a manual switch before the irrigation starts, placed it in some yaml, i look tomorrow

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Sorrry for the late answer.
Yes I changed both but in both input method I can’t pass 60 min.

My problem is also the irrigation seems to start only for the first day after restart but I am not really sure about this surely it doesn’t start all the time is programmed.
I also have the same problem of SimonPth with no total time calculation
I added the group as suggested without improvement.
I tried to call the service manually in developer mode but while I can restart a group the call service button in Group:set is greyed out !

Other problem: temperature history isn’t refreshed. it shows only the first temperature 4 times and the graphical data is disappeared

irrig 2

Did you create a group, as per my post above?

Do you use weather adjustment?

Hi Toddel,

did you solve this problem? If yes, what was the reason?
My Manual cycle is working fine, but the Morning and Evening automations are not starting even all the times and schedules are calculated correctly.
Any ideas?


i removed all files AND deleted all helpers, automations etc. manually. after that - copy new files from github. Then it worked for me…

Hello Simon can you help me set the rain sensor?

Since installing “My Garden Irrigation” the developer tools respond really slow, almost become unresponsive. Anyone else having this problem or a general idea how to solve it?

@StefanHabel could you uninstall to see if that is indeed the case? It seems very unlikely, to me at least, that this could be related, but best to confirm like this if you can. Did you change anything else? Anything else that’s slow? Could just be that your system is underpowered. Check if CPU or memory usage on the system is high.

Hey Kloggy

Is there any way to exclude the logbook entries, or do we have to exclude them one by one in the config?

@SimonPth you’re asking a general HA question. See Logbook - Home Assistant.

I’m not. I want to know if there is a way to exclude all logbook notifications pertaining to MGIv2 in one go.