My Garden Irrigation

Well, check the link and use a glob.

Super helpful :roll_eyes:

Unfortunately there is no easy way to answer because there are many different combinations of include and exclude and it depends on what you currently have in recorder:

However to get you on your way to prevent the input numbers from appearing you can use this:

  purge_keep_days: 3

Be aware that this will only keep three days of any data.

Also remember that things like graph cards and history sensors need the history!

But yes, @parautenbach is right, it is worth reading the docs for this.

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I have been using this in a more automated way this year and now that I have a rain gauge that includes the rainfall adjustments. (Summer has been so awful here that sadly that has been very useful and I have had no need for the temperature adjustments!!)

Over the last few weeks I have ironed out what I consider to be some minor annoyances and have also made a few minor functional and cosmetic improvements to the front end. Part of this has been to slightly reorganise the file structure; the templates folder was a bit redundant and I have been a bit more consistent, calling things ‘irrigation’ rather than ‘garden’.

I have also added a few extra comments to the Lovelace files which might be useful if you like to tinker.

I have a few more very small things I want to do but I will soon be uploading it all to GitHub.

I won’t be able to list all the changes but nothing affects the way things work except:

For a scheduled run using weather adjustments, if it calculates zero run time then it will run for zero seconds not the minimum duration set in the settings. That minimum is used only if the duration is non zero. This made much more sense to me when I started using the rain adjustment.

I’ll post here when I’ve uploaded it. It may be soon, it may be in a few days :wink:
It depends on my time…

(I suppose this is an opportunity to tell me if you have any SMALL annoyances you have that I might be able address. Hopefully I won’t regret saying that!!)

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Thanks a lot, Klogg!

Hy Klogg,
not a big issue, when you start a manual cycle, in the details of the last run it doesn’t count the correct amount of time.
here is a screenshot for a clearer explanation.
Total waterin is 11 minutes, but in zone 3 it reports 15, as it was reported in the zone configuration.
Thanks in advance!

Yes, this is an area of ambiguity :wink:

Firstly, I see you cancelled the Manual cycle. I would have expected the details of last run to have said:-
‘Manuale Cycle (Cancelled)’ rather than 'Manuale (Cancelled) Cycle ’

But that is not your question… :slight_smile:

Was the Manual Cycle for Zone 3 set to 15 minutes? I think (I have not checked) that ‘Details Of Last Run’ show what the last run times were set to with the total showing the actual total for that cycle.

The History Totals show the actual totals for each zone for the whole day i.e. the time the switches were on.

Except that they don’t if you have short durations. Because of the way the History Sensor works there will be large rounding errors. I am surprised no one has complained about this because it really annoys me.

However help is at hand for this here and a pull request has already been made to fix it.

I’m not sure if all that answers your question and if it does whether it satisfies you?

First of all, thank for the time you spend on MGI.
you asked if there were little annoyances, and here i am! :smile:

The time for the manual cycle on zone 3 was set to 15 minutes, and i had to cancel the irrigation because i was manually checking if all the sprinkler were ok.
History totals report the correct amount of time (apart some small rounding due to the pause between one zone and the other i think) for all the zones.

i will look to the patch you linked, thanks in advance.
if it won’t be fixed in the next version, for me it’s not a big issue! :smile: it doesn’t compromise the great functionality of this component!
Thank you again.

Obviously it wasnt the irrigation or i missed something deinstalling it.

The system is not underpowered (Odroid N2+).

I have no clue whats slowing it down.

Before the slowdown happened, i could enter something in the search field (developed tools) and got the matching results almost instantly.
No it even takes some second to update what i am typing.

How many entities do you have?

Hi Klogg,

How can I check?

Hi All,
Anyone know how to resolve this error? I just noticed it today in the HA logs. Running 2021.7.3

TemplateError('TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'') while processing template 'Template("{% set durations = expand('group.irrigation_group_cycle1_zone_durations') | map(attribute='state') | list | sort(reverse=true) %} {% set max = states('input_number.irrigation_number_of_zones') | int %} {{ durations[0:max] | sum }}")' for attribute '_attr_state' in entity 'sensor.irrigation_cycle1_duration_in_seconds'
TemplateError('TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'') while processing template 'Template("{% set durations = expand('group.irrigation_group_cycle2_zone_durations') | map(attribute='state') | list | sort(reverse=true) %} {% set max = states('input_number.irrigation_number_of_zones') | int %} {{ durations[0:max] | sum }}")' for attribute '_attr_state' in entity 'sensor.irrigation_cycle2_duration_in_seconds'
TemplateError('TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'') while processing template 'Template("{% set durations = expand('group.irrigation_group_cycle3_zone_durations') | map(attribute='state') | list | sort(reverse=true) %} {% set max = states('input_number.irrigation_number_of_zones') | int %} {{ durations[0:max] | sum }}")' for attribute '_attr_state' in entity 'sensor.irrigation_cycle3_duration_in_seconds'

I will be uploading an update to this package today.


As you should already know, I don’t use GitHub properly. For this update I will be literally deleting everything and re-uploading it. Apologies in advance but I’m not sure how that might affect anyone who does use GitHub properly.

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It wouldn’t hurt to backup your current package and Lovelace files first :wink:

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Hi Klogg, I did some cleaning, and today I decided to reinstall your package that I downloaded, but I remember that there was also a packages folder inside it (As also described in the site for Italians https: // www. is no longer used or have you forgotten?

I copied the package folder from an old download, now it works but “setting - rainfall and tempertaure” are not displayed

I don’t think that’s what you’re supposed to do.
Have you read the updated instructions?

I must say that you are right, I had read but not well. Now it looks ok … Thanks

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What is this file for and when should we enable it? I use a Sonoff 4 ch as my switches which runs Tasmota, I assume I should enable it?

It is a historic file which has been left in by accident!

I used a Sonoff 4ch in my old setup (version 1) and I would set a pulsetime as a failsafe so that the valves would switch off even if HA became unavailable for some reason.

You could use it but you would have to call it from somehwere. Or you could change it to an automation and modify it be triggered when a switch (valve) turns on.

I have put a comment at the top of the file on GitHub explain that it is not used!