My Garden Irrigation

I have the same problem too

You should update the project with latest file because old version isn’t compatible with browser_mod ver. 2.
After that, delete cache of your browser.

@klogg could you give me a hand about my issue?


I have updated with all the latest files and versions. But still having the same issue
Is there any change to debug or see some logs to have a clue?

Have you also clear cache of your browser?
Have you already tried with other browser?

Yes, everything and nothing!
new browsers, mobile, different computers, and all the same behavior.
browser_mod works if I test it in dev tool
any idea?
debug ? logs? what can I do?
With this behavior I cannot change settings easily

did you fix it?

yes problem solved after updating the files it still does not work after I uninstalled browser_mod also on hacs, I reinstall everything and after restarting home assistant it works.

  • Removing browser-mod from integrations “/config/integrations”
  • Removing browser-mod from hacs “/hacs/integrations”
  • Restarting Home Assistant.
  • Re-installing browser-mod Link to Integrations: Add integration – My Home Assistant
  • Restarting Home Assistant.
  • Re-adding browser-mod to “/config/integrations”.

good morning.
One question, * Re-installing browser-mod [Link to Integrations: Add integration – My Home Assistant ]
when you are saying to re install browser-mod, before that step you install browser mod in HACS?

what do you mean re-adding browser-mod to “/config/integration”?


it works! thanks

:ok_hand: perfect I’m happy

Sorry but I’m really struggling for time…

Can you try the simplest scenario first to try and narrow down where the problem is.
Schedule Giardino to run but use ‘Every day’ and keep both weather adjustments off and disable the Goccia schedule.

Hello all,

this is a very nice irrigation manager.
I would like to know if it is possible to add it in the views tab of lovelace ?


time picker card is being updated “after a long time” as they said. Is that safe to update?

Could any of you wonderful people tell me where to start looking what the cause could be for it looking so crappy.

Home Assistant 2022.11.2
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 6.6
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

HACS - 1.28.3
Browser_mod - 2.1.3
Lovelace_gen - 0.1.1
Button_card - v3.4.2
Time_Picker - 1.3.1
Config_Templace_card - 1.3.6
Card_mod - 3.1.5
Layout-Card - 2.4.4
State_Switch - 1.9.5
Mini_Graph - v0.11.0

What i’m not sure of is, is this related to HACS and these modules or is it because i’m on a newer version of HA.

I had this running perfectly fine but the old version of HA wouldn’t allow me to update any of my addons so i was forced to upgrade

Everything looked in proportion until the updates

Any advice will be appreciated

@hassiomqtt i have the same problem regarding the look and feel of my Garden Irrigation.
i think the problem is due to some styling changes made in the frontend of HA and one of the components used in My Garden Irrigation has not yet adapted to the changes.
Selecting a different theme (i.e. fluent or ios dark) the problem disappear.

Let me try the different theme thank you so much @shakin89

@shakin89 This worked! thank you so much

1 Like

Good day guys.
I’ve gotten to a point where visually i’m happy

Running a manual cycle works and ultimately all i’m after is just to be able to schedule a run and to run a cycle manually if needed.
However, i seem to be experiencing issues when trying to “cancel” the run

As seen on the below image, stopped the run but cycle continues.

Below some details of the errors i’m seeing:

The automation “Irrigation Master Control Switch OFF” automation.irrigation_master_control_switch_off ) has an action that calls an unknown service: `switch.turn_off

First occurred: November 16, 2022 at 9:45:16 PM (11 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:51:47 AM

  • Irrigation Cancel Irrigation: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 2: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘entity_id’]
  • Irrigation Cancel Irrigation: Error executing script. Invalid data for call_service at pos 1: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘entity_id’]
    type or paste code here

Looking at the script trace below is observed with the below piece of code. i can’t for the love of me work out what the problem is. Any advice please?

service: switch.turn_off
  entity_id: >
    {% for switch_name in states.input_text if
    switch_name.object_id.startswith('irrigation_zone') and
                                              switch_name.object_id.endswith('switch_entity_id') -%}
    {% if states(switch_name.entity_id) == 'unknown' or
          states(switch_name.entity_id) == 'none' -%}
        {{ 'switch.irrigation_dummy_switch' ~ loop.index }}
      {%- else %}
        {{ states(switch_name.entity_id) }}
      {%- endif %}
      {%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
    {%- endfor %}

I have uploaded new files for this package. Mostly to keep up with changes in HA but also some cosmetic updates and code clean-up.

See Github

Especially note that while everything worked for me during the summer you really should backup this package before overwriting your files.