I was asked to do a write-up on the sensors I use around my house, but there really isn’t much to it.
I have published a repo on GitHub with just my generic template I use and modify per device/location. I use platformio and VSCode to handle everything.
I use WeMos D1 Mini for most of my sensors. They are much smaller than NodeMCU’s and can fit easily on a small breadboard if I don’t feel like printing a case for them.
My go-to sensor is the BMP-180. It only measures pressure and temperature so when I need humidity, I use a DHT11 or DHT22.
If I am using a BMP, I like to print these cases:
This setup has been in use for about 4 years, through varying renditions, and will accept OTA updates. I haven’t written a web interface for them because I prefer to just write the code and upload.
Feel free to use the code as you wish, it was nothing more than something I threw together to scratch an itch I had. It is probably not by any means good code, but it works for me and my needs.