In the example it shows some scripting that I’ve not seen before…
For the cal_id its showing “*****” - added by the tool not me
What is that?
In the file generated by the integration it added…
I’ve added the second group trying to mimic the first image but obviously NOT using the group designation.
BTW the documentation says NOT to alter this so I left the “[email protected]”
In my entities I’m only seeing one entity… the second is not found
Yep read the doc’s… but the docs are nebulous … Yep read that… but as you notice… what was auto generated for me is remarkably different from the doc’s example… thus… my questions!
Just like there is no mention that it will add a line to my HA menu bar … Its been my experience the doc’s are an Ok guide… but sometimes their not quiet “current”
That’s what I thought too… but the documentation shows different. Your script make more sense to me as well… multiple entities all under the same cal_id.
I tried that… and it worked… but the calendar when opened from the menu would not show "filtered’ events…
Tell me whats the significance of the “#” in front of the search string value? Can it be omitted?
So the ‘#’ is literal… its not a de-referencing symbol… search is looking for ‘#Important’ not just the word ‘Important’… i.e so ‘#Important Meeting’ is found… but ‘Important Trip’ is ignored
Thanks… I’ve got the idea now… I read documentation for a living (software engineer) so I’ve learned that good documentation leaves NOTHING up to interpretation… HA… sometimes falls a bit short of that mark
I guess… but in my world its the developers’ (and his/her team if there is one) responsibility to make sure… That’s most likely why the example in the doc’s now are wrong withe respect to the entity list… the developer would / should know…
An interesting artifact is being displayed… I have multiple echos in the house.
I’m trying to trigger an automation event from the calendar to a specific echo… the one in my office…which works…
Raise the volume to full… which works
Make an announcement… which works
Lower the volume back down to 50%… which works
But… just before that sequence… it fires an unsolicited announcement to the echo in the family room … announcing that a reminder will be delivered in one minute… which was the offset on both the calendar event in HA and on the event in Google…
Can’t explain why the family room (default echo ?)… and not the one the automation is pointing at and why I’m getting a reminder about the upcoming event…
And of course… this behavior is NOT in the documentation LOL! Its kinda cool… but unexpected… Ahhhh HA … gotta love it!
and I discovered that I cant spell “Calendar”
- id: test_reminder
alias: Testing Reminder
description: Google Calendar Reminder Event
- entity_id: calendar.homeassistant
platform: state
to: 'on'
- condition: template
value_template: '{{is_state_attr(''calendar.homeassistant'', ''description'',''Test'')}}'
- data:
volume_level: 1
entity_id: media_player.office_echo
service: media_player.volume_set
- data:
type: announce
message: This is a reminder. Today I'm testing the response.
target: media_player.office_echo
service: notify.alexa_media
- data:
volume_level: 0.5
entity_id: media_player.office_echo
service: media_player.volume_set
mode: single
Its saying “Name Of Calendar Event” will start in 1 min … says that 2 times then the automation runs and makes the configured announcement on the correct echo…
Been outta pocket for a bit… anyway I discovered why it was announcing on my family room echo… in the Alexa app on my PHONE… under calendars its configured to announce there… I cant change it… thats another problem but at least I know why now…
Its still announcing that an event is about to happen… but I suspect that in the app someplace too!