My HA has gone crazy....WTF is going on...?

So today I got home and was sitting at my desk when all of a sudden music starting playing throughout the house. I got up and had a look around to find a bunch of lights on. I hadn’t touched anything HA related and there were no automations that would cause this… what is going on?


August 16, 2019

1:13 PM

HA Uptime changed to 3 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes

1:12 PM

Lounge Speakers turned off

1:12 PM

games room TV turned off

1:12 PM

Kitchen Speaker turned off

1:12 PM

Office speaker turned off

1:12 PM

House group turned off

1:12 PM

Bedroom turned off

1:12 PM

Couch Light turned off

1:12 PM

Bedroom Lamp turned off

1:12 PM

Living Room Light turned off

1:12 PM

Arcade Table LEDs turned off

1:12 PM

BOM Perth Wind Direction changed to N

1:11 PM

Paradox Z5- Living PIR changed to OFF

1:11 PM

Onkyo Amp turned on

1:11 PM

Lounge Speakers changed to playing

1:11 PM

games room TV changed to playing

1:11 PM

Kitchen Speaker changed to playing

1:11 PM

Bedroom changed to playing

1:11 PM

Office speaker changed to playing

1:11 PM

House group changed to playing

1:11 PM

Lounge Speakers changed to idle

1:11 PM

games room TV changed to idle

1:11 PM

Kitchen Speaker changed to idle

1:11 PM

Bedroom changed to idle

1:11 PM

Office speaker changed to idle

1:11 PM

House group changed to idle

1:07 PM

Lounge Mini turned off

1:05 PM

Alfresco Fridge turned on

1:05 PM

Alfresco Fridge changed to unavailable

1:03 PM

Kitchen Light turned off

1:03 PM

Paradox Z4- Lounge PIR changed to OFF

1:02 PM

Lounge Mini changed to idle

1:02 PM

Lounge Mini changed to playing

1:02 PM

Lounge Mini changed to idle

1:02 PM

Lounge Mini turned off

1:00 PM

Arcade Table LEDs turned on

1:00 PM

Kitchen Light turned on

1:00 PM

Couch Light turned on

1:00 PM

Wardrobe Light turned off

1:00 PM

Living Room Light turned on

1:00 PM

Bedroom Lamp turned on

I turned off the music and lights then restarted HA (just in case it could somehow help the situation) and got back to what I was doing. About 40 minutes later someone knocked on the door and I went out the front for a while chatting. I cam e back in to find a heap of lights on again, no music this time.

logbook again:

August 16, 2019

2:19 PM

HA Uptime changed to 52 minutes

2:14 PM

HA Uptime changed to 47 minutes

2:14 PM

Kitchen Light turned off

2:14 PM

Couch Light turned off

2:14 PM

Living Room Light turned off

2:14 PM

Arcade Table LEDs turned off

2:06 PM

Arcade Table LEDs turned on

2:06 PM

Kitchen Light turned on

2:05 PM

BOM Perth Wind Direction changed to NNW

1:59 PM

HA Uptime changed to 32 minutes

1:56 PM

Living Room Light turned on

1:56 PM

Couch Light turned on

I can’t explain this behaviour at all. I don’t have open ports in my router as I’m using HA Cloud. Running HassIO with HA 0.97.2 which was updated from 0.97.1 a few days ago. This is the first time this strange behaviour has happened in my ~2 years of running HA.

Some other info: the lights are mainly wifi bulbs however the kitchen light is a z-wave dimmer and the arcade table lights are a ESP running ESPhome (so also wifi)…but since the kitchen (z-wave) is also part of the craziness I figure wifi has nothing to do with it… unless someone has hacked my network and is f#(k!ng with me!

Any ideas? / things to check? (other than change wifi password… which I will be doing anyway)

I had once accidentally created an automation with an incorrect template (in a particular situation). Because it didn’t fill the entities correctly, all lights turned on instead of one. Something like that?

That’s what I was thinking.

You may have an incorrect entity id in an automation (template). If no entity id is defined for homeassistant.turn_on, then everything gets turned on.

ok, so Just after posting this I messaged my girlfriend who is at work to tell her what was going on. She then confessed that she was messing with me…obviously Friday afternoon is a little boring at work for her!

so I don’t have anything to worry about after all :laughing:


HaHa. You need ideas for payback? :smiley:

Well I think this is her way of paying me back for an automation that kept repeating a TTS message to her last night when I wasn’t there. (That’s an automation that has run perfectly for months and just starting playing up last week for no reason at all. It keeps triggering when it shouldn’t, turned it off until I can investigate)

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From now on every problem you post on this forum will be answered with “it’s probably your girlfriend”… :smirk:


When you tried turning stuff off did it say “I’m sorry Dave, I can’t allow you to do that!”.