It’s nothing fancy but I wanted to share since it was only possible with the help of many of you here, in particular @pkozul, @rpitera, @ReneTode, @anon35356645, and definitely @bruhautomation - just to name a few.
Hopefully I got all the secrets covered and if not, hopefully no one wants to hack my stuff lol. Check it out, maybe it can help someone having struggles.
I saw u wanna make a magical mirror also. I’m actually building my server rack … still work in progress but as soon as it’s finished I’ll post some new pics.
Fir the moment this “wall” (I think I’ll call it something like “I-Wall” ) has following:
grafana "server " to show server stats and hass graphs
led background light (still with remote but might be added to control by home assistant )
all used pi for my project ( xmpp server, hass server, grafana server with mopidy for tts for hass, emonpi server , Pi-Hole server , MySQL/ Webserver, )
arduino mqtt 433 Bridge with ethernet shield
There will be mirror film added to make it magical mirroring
I like it! I small server cabinet is on my list of to-do’s. I currently run 1 server but is it surrounded by other PC’s, Pi, etc that I would like to enclose for better cooling & aesthetics.That is a great idea for at-a-glance stats.
I tried Dashboard 3 times and each ended miserably for me. I like the way it looks but the scripting was beyond me. 1 time I crashed my entire HA and had to reinstall, that is a no-go for me.
It seems u r gone with dashboard I hav it running even as service… Never had problems but u r right . There are actually 3 different tutorials to setup. This will be cleaned up in the next release. If u wanna give it a try … just let me know … I’m willed to help whereever i can
I am sure I will try again. I tried the fancier Alexa setup a couple of times too before I gave up but plan to try again sometime. I have 4 Alexa devices and would really like to expand on the interactions.
If you’re having issues with HADashboard v2, let me know or post in the beta thread. I’m on the alpha team (I created the skins and helped with the skinning programming) and I’d be glad to help.
Will do - I may buy another Pi or use an old laptop to test it. I really don’t want to risk my server installation… not even sure if I remember how I got the multiple Lans connected at this point.