Hello everyone,
I’m new to home automation and I just bought the Yellow I connected 2 Hue bulbs and 2 water leak detectors via Zigbee2MQTT, and I connected my Tado thermostatic heads (11). I also installed HACS. I noticed that since yesterday, my CPU usage has reached 50%, and 5.3 GB of RAM is consumed, even though I have an 8GB Compute Module without storage (I bought an SSD).
What should I do, please? It’s increasing day by day, and I don’t understand why.
For the RAM use, see https://www.linuxatemyram.com/
TL/DR: Unused RAM is wasted RAM, using it is good.
I’ll let somebody who knows more about HAOS chip on on CPU, but depending on what add-ons you’ve installed, and what integrations you’ve set up (not just the ones from HACS), 50% CPU isn’t necessarily a big deal.
thank you, i will wait if some one can help about cpu
can you help please!