My Home Assitant Configuration

Hello everybody,

It is since March that I’m developing my smart home system, but just right now I found some time to create the first repo and start to document the project.

At the moment I have at home about 8 Shelly’s devices, some Smart Alliances, Smart TV and some Alexa Devices

I have in mind to expand the system with some movement sensor, light actuator and some more DIY sensor maybe in ESP32.

For the next Autumn / Winter, I will buy a brand-new AC heating System that I want to integrate in home assistant.

I will soon finish my Floor00 @ home, the basement where I will complete the electrical implant, all with smart actuator and sensor.

Furthermore, I will complete the Off grid battery system monitor and automation via Inverter Integration, and in have project to power other appliances from battery and selective form grid or solar implant.

Next step will be uploading the electrical schema, update the automation docs, and create all issue task and formalize all TODO of the project.

It’s all on working and in progress so every help, suggestion, and tips are welcome

here is the gitHub Repo

How did you get the type of program (and time remaining) for your dishwasher? Does it have a direct integration or are you using the power profile to guess?

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Thanks for asking, I’m currently updating that part.

As I just updated my dishwasher and wash machine, I have chosen one’s that are already integrated.
Unfortunately, looking around didn’t find some direct integration without third part cloud involved, so i opted for a Bosch Dishwasher and LG Washing Machine, respectively working with Home Connect Integration and Lg Smart Thing.

For LG, I have these entities:

And for Bosh that ones:

So I created the two card for Dish washer and Washing Machine

So no, I used directly the integration data and some templates re-elaboration.

Here is the code for the additional self-made sensor:

# lavastoviglieEnergy
- platform: integration
  unique_id: "0a7476cc-245654-2456-8ae1-25828714"
  method: "left"
  source: sensor.washdisher_power
  name: lavastoviglie_energy
  unit_prefix: k
  unit_time: h
  round: 2

For templates

    - name: "washdisher_power"
      unique_id: "0a7476cc-d6c1-40ba-8ae1-6045582828"
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unit_of_measurement: "kW"
      icon: mdi:dishwasher
      state: >-
        {% if is_state('sensor.dishwasher_operation_state', "Run") -%}
          {{ ( float(states('sensor.kitchen_power')) / 1000) | round(2) }}
        {%- else -%}
          {% if is_state('sensor.dishwasher_operation_state', "Ready") -%}
            {{ ( float(states('sensor.kitchen_power')) / 1000) | round(2) }}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ ( float(0) | round(2)) }}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endif %}

and for end time of dishwasher

    # washer end time
    - name: "lavastoviglie_end_time"
      unique_id: "0a7476cc-d6c1-40ba-8ae1-52846"
      state: >-
        {{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.dishwasher_remaining_program_time')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M:%S') }}
      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

And improve that I want to update for a better layout and useful info more close

I will look up in that resources: