My lights get turned on in middle of the night and dont know why

occasionally my lights at home get turned on at random times during the night. All I have from the history tab is Turned on by service light.turn_on

My question, how to find out what triggers them, no automation is supposed to be working at that time and usually, when its automation I get better described logs in History tab, but for this I dont know how find what is causing it. Any ideas where to begin with?

Look in your log file!

which log file :?

This can be accessed under the home assistant config directory. If you’re on home assistant supervised, you can install the file editor addon to open this directory. Once opened the logs are in a file called home-assistant.log.

You can change the log level by adding the following code block to the configuration.yaml file also contained under this directory:

  default: warning # need to change to appropriate log level

The log levels you can choose are below:

  • critical
  • fatal
  • error
  • warning
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • notset