My Lovelace configuration (advanced) -- includes floor plan, media center view, home view

Hello, I wanted to share my Lovelace configuration to teach new users what is possible with Lovelace and how to set it up. The difference here compared to other shared configurations is that I provide links to every aspect of my ui-lovelace.yaml file, Lovelace card and component used. I really hope it helps new users, as it can be daunting trying to read a single ui-lovelace.yaml file and figure out what’s going on. If you are only interested in learning one part, like the media center buttons, then you can just focus on the ‘Media’ section of my write-up.

Some highlights of my configuration

  • A nice home screen showing weather, air quality index, quote of the day, and calendar
  • Media Center buttons highlight depending TV and AV receiver state
  • XboxOne and Playstation4 added as media players, displaying game covers when played
  • Advanced floorplan and graphics (feel free to use!)

Github Link
Youtube demonstration

All credits are found in the Github page. If you find any broken links or have any suggestions, feel free to reply here.


I love it, definitely will be looking at your Git!

Man this looks awsome , will definitaly check this out!

Cool, let me know if you have any questions. I know my page doesn’t explain everything so I can add more details in this thread.