My Lovelace Plugins

Is there a way to get icons to render in your markdown card? I’m doing a super condensed view and would love to not have labels for the rows.

Oh darn! You’re right. Sorry about that.

Should be fixed now.

Yes it works now :grinning: thanks!

Afraid not, but I think you can include pictures.

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I’ve heard some people have had problems with some of my cards and the custom_updater.

If you have a problem and are using the fold-entity-row, make sure it’s entered correctly in your resources section. I renamed the card a while ago from folding-group-entity-row.js to fold-entity-row.js.

So, if your resources section says folding-group-entity-row.js try changing it to fold-entity-row.js and also rename the file. Then press update.

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Nice, what does the loveclace look like for your card?

To give a bit of history I started off with two glance card b/c I wanted to see how the temperature and humidity was trending around the house, as we have a young baby and want to keep it more comfortable.

The problem with the glace cards is they take up a lot of space and I don’t care for the duplication of icons (wasted screen realestate IMHO).

So, I switched to the mark-down card to just make a simple table.


- type: custom:useful-markdown-card
    content: >
      | | DS | Outside | 2nd | 1st | Base |

      | -----|---------|------|-----|-----|-----|

      | ![Temperature](https://[youdomain] 
      | [[weather.dark_sky.attributes.temperature]][[sensor.weather_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.weather_temperature.state]][[sensor.weather_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.ms2_temp_sensor_63.state]][[sensor.weather_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.house_thermostat_temperature.state]][[sensor.weather_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.ms1_temp_sensor_54.state]][[sensor.weather_temperature.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 

      | ![Humidity](https://[youdomain] 
      | [[weather.dark_sky.attributes.humidity]][[sensor.weather_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.weather_humidity.state]][[sensor.weather_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.ms2_humidity_sensor_65.state]][[sensor.weather_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.house_thermostat_humidity.state]][[sensor.weather_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 
      | [[sensor.ms1_humidity_sensor_56.state]][[sensor.weather_humidity.attributes.unit_of_measurement]] 

The current problem is that the mark-down card must report as some giant size and the column ordering of the default algorithm doesn’t look nice. But I continue to use it as it handles the switch between mobile to desktop better.

Also DS is Darksky and Outside is the sun.sun temperature. I find that DS is more accurate for my location for whatever reason.

Where I finally landed was making a single view using layout-card with 4 columns and the mini-graph. So this is only good for tablet and up, which is sufficient for my needs. And mobile I can use the mark-down version.

Sorry for the 110% answer.

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@thomasloven First of all thanks for you plugins, I’m using a few of them already.

There’s something I can’t get to work and as far as I can see in this Github issue it should work or I misunderstood that issue. What I’m trying to do is have a slider-entity-row for a light group.

This is my config:

      - type: section
        label: Entrance
      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: group.entrance
      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: light.entrance_1
      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: light.entrance_2
      - type: custom:slider-entity-row
        entity: light.entrance_3

However this doesn’t work, since I’m getting an ‘Unsupported entity domain: group’ error. Just double checking here… is this supposed to work? Did you mean that in that Github issue?

If I can get a light group to show up with a slider, I would actually love to use it as a ‘head’ for a fold-entity-row, so that I can place the 3 lights that make up the group as items folded under it. If the above is possible… am I able to do this as well?

I tried to use fold-entity-row and I can have the light group as the head of the folded group and the lights underneath, but again there is no slider for the group in the head.

Use the light group for the head of the fold-entity-row and the individual lights as items.

can someone help please?

Yeah, that’s what I tried. This was the config that I used:

- type: section
  label: Entrance
- type: custom:fold-entity-row
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    entity: group.entrance
    type: custom:slider-entity-row
    secondary_info: last-changed

And this is the result:


As you can see… it does create a folded group with the individual lights hidden away. I can’t however make the group show up as a slider as well. It does work when it doesn’t use slider-entity-row, but than it shows only a toggle and I want to control the entire group with a single slider (like you would normally do in the more-info dialog).

This is not a light group. :upside_down_face:

card-modder can be used to change what size a card reports to the layout functions.

- type custom:card-modder
  report_size: 1
    type: markdown
    ... etc

The default behavior of the markdown card is to report about 50 pixels per line of code in its definition, which I guess are a lot in your case…

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Thanks! Do you have the code for the markdown card?

@thmry - Thomasloven recently helped me with this same challenge. The issue here is you cannot use the group domain with this card. In order to get this working you need to create a light group (someone else linked to the docs above my post). Here is what I added to my configuration.yaml in order to get slider-entity-row working.

  - platform: group
    name: Great Room
    - light.indoorkitchen_level
    - light.dining_room_level 

What wasn’t immediately clear from the documentation page is the resulting entity name. In my case, the entity name is light.great_room. From there, you use the entity name for the new light group as the entity for slider-entity-row. This will allow you to change the slider value for all of your grouped lights at once.

I updated the post to show it. Sorry should have done that to start with. And I used the useful-markdown-card as it allows you to insert values.

Mad props to @thomasloven for the many awesome cards!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


@VDRainer @daphatty Thanks for helping!

I’ve never realized that light entities in a group domain aren’t actually part of a light group. I’ve been using Home Assistant for almost a year now and used groups (group domain) to turn on and off multiple lights (in that specific group) which works fine.

I’m now actually using a light group and that makes it work with fold-entity-row, so thanks again!

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Thanks a lot ! That did it.

Btw: this card used with your tool is giving me so much opportunities to customize HA how I want ! You’re doing an awesome job !!!

edit: I might have spoken a bit to fast, the 2 plugins I mentionned work very well, but some issues occur when trying both at the same time (so it seems).

For example, using :

  • type: custom:state-switch
    entity: binary_sensor.anyone_home
    default: “off”
    - !include card_alarm.yaml
    - !include card_alarm.yaml

with the tool give me :

  • default: ‘off’
    entity: binary_sensor.anyone_home
    • {entity: alarm_control_panel.alarme, type: alarm-panel}
    • {entity: alarm_control_panel.alarme, type: alarm-panel}
      type: custom:state-switch

In lovelace-ui, after generation with your tool. The issue, it seems, is coming from the format -{entity:…, type:…}. Anyway, that’s not a deal breaker for me but I figured you might be interested in knowing this.

Another edit: How to fix → Use a vertical stack like so:

  • type: custom:state-switch
    entity: binary_sensor.anyone_home
    default: “off”
    type: vertical-stack
    - !include card_alarm.yaml

Then it works like a charm, with the auto-gen tool as well.

I’m using the card modder. Is it possible to remove the state ? Because I can see the state from te colour of the icon, so I do not need to see “on” or “of” …