My Lovelace Plugins

I’m getting this error in my logs after updated to the latest fold-entity-row (f28e6e):

ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201812110] 
           Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': this name has already been used with this registry
ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201812110] 
           NotSupportedError: Cannot define multiple custom elements with the same tag name

Make sure you didn’t add it twice to your resource section by mistake.

I think @kalkih s solution seems pretty good.

Nice icons, Karl!

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Yeah… don’t expect the UI editor to be supported very soon… That’s a whole lot of more work I haven’t even looked at yet.

I will, eventually. But not now.


I updated to the latest version of the card-layout and card-modder plugins and now everything that I previously had working with the card-modder plugin no longer shows on lovelace. I also added the latest version of the card-tools plugin but all I get is the error below when trying to use the card-modder plugin, any ideas what went wrong?

card-modder.js?v=1.1:20 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: window.cardTools.litHtml is not a function
at HTMLElement.render (card-modder.js?v=1.1:20)
at HTMLElement.update (ba7ed9f3515f27cc7b5a.chunk.js:169)
at HTMLElement._validate (ba7ed9f3515f27cc7b5a.chunk.js:145)
at HTMLElement._invalidate (ba7ed9f3515f27cc7b5a.chunk.js:145)

I forgot to mention in the docs that card-tools and any card that uses it required Home Assistant version 0.84.0 or later.

… actually, I forgot alltogether… was a bit quick with the release, perhaps…

ugh, not there yet. I’ll have to undo everything I just did. Thx

Sorry about that.

I’m sorry, maybe I missed something it anyone could help me resolving this one?

Hey Thomas,

I’m new here, so bare with me.
But even though i use the card-tools and custom updater, i still have to add the different cards you made under the resources right?

All the cards used doesn’t get updated automatically through the card-tools?

The custom_updater only works with the yaml mode of lovelace so if you are using the new 0.84 GUI for editing lovelace the custom_updater does not work and the dev has stated he will not fix this.

I haven’t updated yet, but if I do update but don’t edit with the new GUI, then I should be good?

yep. it’s just the new GUI not supported by custom_card

Oh okay thanks for the heads up.
But Customs Cards will still be available right?

Editor UI is now further processed. You can manage your Lovelace UI without leaving your browser! It is possible to add, edit and delete views. It is possible to add, edit, move and delete cards, including custom cards!

What am I missing here?


Yes they are available and work but the custom_updater will not update the version number in the .storage/lovelace - it only works with the yaml. Not sure how much clearer I can say it…

I follow you. You will then have to update the js files manually.

2 questions on this please:

  • why isn’t the space after the [[ sensor.time.attributes.icon]] necessary here? In cases using .state the state isn’t showed using [ entity.state] and [ entity.state ] is needed.
  • would it be possible to show the icon instead? Could that be a feature request, or is it supposed to be possible already and did I make a mistake using the above.


Try reading the error message…

card-tools requires Home Assistant version 0.84.
I was a bit quick with the release…