My own icons

The www folder is were my yamfiles are
When i try in the config ui edit my sensor
The part with icon and place there the text: /config/kwh.png and i reboot
Then the base icon is away but there is no new icon

Assuming you are using hassos then I think it should be

icon: /local/kwh.png

I have done that but no icon appears.

Place kwh.png into www folder. As @nickrout said, accessing it will be /local/kwh.png

Second, if you are using customize.yaml, then you need to place the png location in the entity_picture field, not the icon. Icon is used for built-in mdi icons only.

  entity_picture: /local/kwh.png

i do this here are screenshots:

here my folder structure

and here the png files

No. Do not use the icon spot. It’s not an icon. It’s entity_picture, like I said before.

o wow thanks it works.

but what means the icon sector what i used for?

See previous comment.


Thanks for the help.

Okay one question,

I have the icons set.
But is it possible to make them bigger?

Its not working for me, but I do get the question mark icon, so the JS is being read. What svg types work, what size, etc are proven to work? Well done for working on this, I hope to use it for a few icons I’ve got.

The Icons from the Hue Icon Pack (which also the question mark icon is part of) work fine for me. Have not tried others as i primarily wanted to use the hue icons.

have a look at if you’re interested in the Hue icons, @arallsopp is actively updating this resource, and the icons are beautiful

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Hey! Thanks @Mariusthvdb. There are over 200 icons in the pack now, including more than 140 custom icons created especially for the HA community. Always good to hear it being used.

I have tried a lot, but it does not work. Can enybody help me?
This is what is in my configuration.yaml


entity_picture: /local/nibe-logo.png```

nibe-logo.png is in the config/www directory.

This is what I get back:
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['customize']

What do I wrong?

This better:

entity_picture: /local/nibe-logo.png

Invalid config for [panel_custom]: [entity_picture] is an invalid option for [panel_custom]. Check: panel_custom->panel_custom->0->entity_picture. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 178).

Hey can some one help meee

I want the number 28 as a Icon

For my mailbox LED at the House

Take a piece of paper

Write the number on it

Take a photo of it

Place the photo as /config/www/28.jpg

Follow as above.

Where can i do this ?