My Power Usage & Quality Dashboard

I built this power usage & quality dashboard in Grafana. The data comes from a CircuitSetup energy meter, which uses an ESP32 running ESPHome. From there it goes into Influx DB, and into Grafana. Looks pretty good!

Now I just need to make something for kwh and to display data over time.


Hello @CircuitSetup
Would you mind sharing your dashboard? I just purchased a CircuitSetup energy meter kit and I am very interested! It looks very awesome! :smiley:

Sure! I just loaded it here:

If you’re using ESPHome, you’ll have to change the input names, and not all of the power data is available (like fundamental power).

Thanks for sharing!

I must say that I am very impressed by that home energy meter! I’ve compared with my utility company reports and I’m super close to the real daily consumption!

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I’m glad it’s working well for you! That’s great!

I grabbed your grafana dashboard and have been working on getting everything linked to my influxdb, however I am having issues with a couple of the monitored data points. I cannot get PowerFactor or Harmonic Power data points and only able to get Active and Reactive power. The other two data points are not available with my setup. I assume I am missing some config but I cannot find it.

I am using ESPhome to to MQTT to Influxdb so everything is in the ESPhome config.


Power factor has to be added to the config.yaml for ESPHome. See the examples here for that:

Harmonic power isn’t an option in ESPHome though.

Please add setting up influx DB for this dashboard