Good day,
I cannot seem to get my energy dash working again it used to work and then broke several updates ago.
This is the error I get.
To my knowledge, I am reading solar power W via Modbus TCP every so often.
#Live power from the dc solar (Total of all arrays)
- name: "Multiplus Solar power"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
slave: 100
address: 850
data_type: uint16
device_class: power
Then I have set the following to change W into kwh
- platform: integration
source: sensor.multiplus_solar_power
name: "Solar Energy Yield"
unit_prefix: k
# unit_time: d
round: 2
- platform: integration
source: sensor.battery_energy_kwh
name: "Victron Battery Energy"
unit_prefix: k
# unit_time: d
round: 2
However it is just not working,
What is really weird is that the AC consumption is working, and its done the same way.
You can also see its moaning about my battery integration.