My Samsung TV keeps showing up as a new integration

Just adding some more information:

  1. My UE46F660 TV worked fine for several years with the Samsung integration
  2. The integration with the new QE65Q70T still doesn’t work correctly. What I noticed on top of what I’ve already mentioned is that if I leave the integration enabled in Home Assistant, after a few days the TV starts operating very very slowly; I use Plex on the TV a lot and sometimes, not always, it’s almost unusable, you can’t even browse arround. As soon as I kill the integration, the TV goes back to normal.

Mine, where I see the problems, is a QE50Q80T.
How do you “kill” the integration? I cannot delete it, because it’s on erroneous state requiring reconfig.

@alphabeta279 I still cannot turn your proposal into a valid config. Maybe I’m missing something.
The documentation does not include samsung_tv integration in the list of the valid values under “ignore:”. This becomes also clear from the error log I get:

Invalid config for [discovery]: value must be one of [‘apple_tv’, ‘axis’, 'belkin…

which lists all the integrations that are listed in the documentation. What do you mean “check the integration name” ? the name of the integration is samsung_tv.

Looks like there is an open Issue for this now:

It worked for me after multiple retries.
I started using Core instead of docker version of Home assist. Which includes few docker images to get
I installed UPnP integration so it gets access to my network
It discovered my TV with the right name samsung65EU80005…
I kept my TV with a dynamic IP for now
I had to accept the Home Assist once in my TV
And boom!

“Core” and “few docker images” does not match …

sorry I missed this before I created an issue Samsung integrations keeps needing reconfiguration · Issue #49288 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
there are a few other threads on the zeroconf too.
seems a fix is in the works

What I meant is I did not use Home Assistant Container but used Home Assistant Core
from here Installation - Home Assistant

But unfortunately the day after, after restarting the raspberry pi and the TV was off for some time, the popup came back asking me to couple the TV again.

This thread atleast makes me realise I’m not going mad.

FWIW I have disabled the integration for now as it does more harm than good.

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I did have the same problems! No entity, having to reconnect and so on. Now I am using SamsungTV Smart (custom_component). All works great (only used it for 3-4 weeks). I can even turn on the TV. Which Samsung normally can’t do or often can’t do anyway.


I found a menu on the Samsung TV:

Network > Expert settings > Mobile Device Manager > Access Notification

You can choose “First time only” or “Never”.

I only just tried it a few minutes ago, but so far so good.


unfortunately that doesnt help the issue and is something else btw. the setting you found is for having to confirm Home assistant on the TV set, which in my case doesn’t work at all… Samsung integration keeps needing reconfiguration (continued) · Issue #52192 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

the other issue is that Samsung keeps showing as newly discovered or reconfigurable integration in the integration panel. Which still happens occasionally too.


after posting above, I decided to give it yet another try. I deleted Home assistant from the Samsung settings, deleted the Samsung integration, restarted HA to have it clear the registry, and start all over.

As before, the tv was recognized alright, and after having confirmed it, as usual by now, set the options mentioned in Henrik’s mail above.

After that, turning/off/on a couple of times went fine, no confirmation popup anymore…

which is new, but, really nice! at last…Ill update the issue with this experience linking here

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Great job Henrik, this helped me out :slight_smile:
I can now turn of the TV in the bedroom with my Mi Cube when my wife has the remote control on her side and she fell asleep :wink:

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Great, glad my response helped you guys.
It has worked fine on my end too.
Actually I have a slight feeling that the reconfigure-message might have reappeared once shortly after the change in the TV-settings… and I honestly don’t remember if I just ignored it or responded to it one last time. But anyhow, since then I have not seen neither the confirmation dialog nor the reconfig message. Fingeres crossed it stays this way.

Update 2021-08-07
Unfortunately the “Reconfigure” message returned. If I restart Home Assistant server (Rarpberry Pi 4) then the message goes away, but as it seems, come back after a random number of days. I will keep trying and update here what I find. Maybe I will try what Marius suggested, delete from homeassistant from the TV and start over…

I was having this same issue but now I think it is fixed. Instead of using the “Configuration” option when my TV was detected I manually added the integration. You only need the IP address of the TV.

Thanks Henrik!
My TV has different choises in Expert settings and one of this was the solution.
Model Samsung Q90 Series

Network > Expert settings > I turned on “IP remote”.

I experienced the same problems reported above.
My solution which is working so far was to

  1. Delete the Integrations via the integrations page and also check you dont have anything in configuration.yaml configuring samsung_tv too.
  2. Restart and check all the entities associated with the TV(s) were gone
  3. Go to the config/.storage folder in terminal and run grep samsung *
    => This showed a bunch of samsung entries still left in the files core.config_entries and core.device_registry that were not getting deleted when I removed the integration
  4. Open these files in editor and remove the samsung entries
    *** Warning this is probably very dangerous and may cause your system to fail to boot if you make a mistake. So take a backup and then use an editor like code studio to help you get it right
  5. Cross fingers and Reboot. Confirm there are no TV entities
  6. Go to the integrations page, I then had a new message discovering my TV (Q80 Series 65 in my case)
  7. Configure the entity with the GUI, checking that the TV asks you and using the external device manager in TV’s setting to make sure you are allowing the pop up
  8. Done. I ran a grep in .storage again and found newly written samsungtv entries.

Hi All

I see the same problem, I have a Samsung Q90 (65)

My solution, that did it for me was to select menu on TV then →
Settings > General > External Device Manager > Device Connection Manager > ● Device List

Delete the device and then accept it again.

That did it for me.

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Thanks you. On Setting of my TV Q70 series, there’s a option to turn off notification each time external device connected

Anyone still seeing the pop up on the tv screen every few minutes? I tried the “show notification the first time only” etc. The only (temporary) fix seems to be to delete the integration from HA and re-add it. Then the pop up on the tv shows once and doesn’t show up again for a few days.
@henkemail did you find any possible cause for this? in my case the problem started a few weeks ago after the 2021.12 upgrade. I had been using this integration since at least July without noticeable issues

it still happens for me. I tried different settings (only once), but reconfigure popup comes up frequently. Sometimes just submitting works and other times I have to remove the old entry in the device manager in the TV to get a new one…