My Samsung TV keeps showing up as a new integration

There are currently 6 detected integrations. I disabled the original one because the permission popup kept popping up on the TV even after I clicked to give it permission (multiple times).


Do you have DHCP assigned IP for your TV by chance? Could happen, that after subsequent turns on/off it gets different IPs assigned, so HA is recognizing it as new instances… just guessing what might be wrong…

I tried setting a static ip. But then I deleted all the detected integrations and tried re-adding it and it won’t show up.

Same here but haven’t had the time to look into it yet. Had to click deny on the tv just to watch it

Yup same here. I have given the TV a static IP when I first set it up. Deny it for now cause it just kept popping up even if I gave it access.

Is there some reset I can do so it I can add it back as an Integration (after I deleted all the existing ones)?

Were you able to solve this problem? I have the same problem here

I have ongoing issues with my Samsung TV: UE40KU6400 (as detected). It has a fixed IP address and EVERY time the TV is turned on, it shows the integration pop-up. No matter whether we respond ‘allow’ or ‘deny’ nothing changes.

On HASSIO, the integration shows as ‘attention required’

and if I try to reconfigure it I get an error message image

How do I ignore this completely as it seems to be fundamentally flawed?



Don‘t have a solution, but can confirm this issue.

My TV keeps displaying an allow/deny message, when trying to configure the integration.

Same here…

And same again. TV IP is fixed, but every restart it appears like clockwork and no matter what I seem to do it always reappears.

Clarification: In my case the integration setup request does only pop-up once the TV is turned on after HA has been restarted (e.g. after an update).

Once integration has been set-up and while HA is running continuously, switching the TV on or off does not trigger the integration setup request, the TV keeps being configured and is controllable.

System Health
arch 	x86_64
dev 	false
docker 	true
hassio 	false
installation_type 	Home Assistant Container
os_name 	Linux
os_version 	5.4.0-48-generic
python_version 	3.8.6
timezone 	Europe/Berlin
version 	0.117.6
virtualenv 	false
dashboards 	1
mode 	storage
resources 	0
views 	7

I am seeing exactly the same thing - 2 different Samsung TVs, a UN40D6000 and a UN43KU7000 behaving the same as others reporting in this thread. Looks like an open issue has been filed on this on github so this problem is in the system…

That’s too bad. It appears to be an unresolved problem. Just got my raspberry pi and set up Home Assistant yesterday. Got to the Samsung TV integration and I would enter the IP Address and Name and the popup would come up on the TV. When I select Allow the TV seems fine, but I return to the computer and it says it failed. I look in the authorized devices of the computer and Home Assistant is listed, but no dice on the Home Assistant side. I’m using a Q60T.

Hi all,

I’m in the same boat myself, with a QE65Q70T. I can configure it in Home Assistant, but after a couple of days a notification starts popping up, asking me to reconfigure the integration, which I’ve tried, but to no avail. Then, a few days later, my TV starts showing a popup to authorize Home Assistant, which never goes away, until I remove the integration and start over…

One thing that I’ve noticed is that, contrary to an older Samsung TV I have, the new TV, when integrated with Home Assistant, does not create a device and an entity. In pictures:




Same problem here with the Onif and Synology integrations.
There is no Cancel button in this particular case and the integration must be deleted and recreated.

But later after a reload of HA , the issue comes back

Similar observation here with my installation on rpi4. I have fixed IP to the TV.
Integration show as ‘attention required’ after a few days of it working.
When I reconfigure it keeps sending the notification to “allow” on the TV every 3-5s. I deleted the integration from the gui buttons, but it still appeared back as “attention required”.
I stopped the notifications only after clicking “Deny” on the TV.

Does anybody knows if we are getting a fix on this?


Definitely a samsung problem - god I love their buggy approach to software… :wink:

I imagine once you’ve integrated your tv, you could add below to your configuration.yaml:

- samsung_tv
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It looks like

- samsung_tv

is not valid option under discovery/ignore. I tried it and got config error log.

Any ideas how to remove the integration?
Once I delete it from the GUI, it immediately gets into the erroneous state and sends the notification that it requires reconfiguration, while i continuously receive the pop ups on the TV screen, like before. So I’ve blocked it again on the TV.

Not sure how you deduced it is Samsung problem and not HA’s. It could be seen like that HA keeps sending these requests continuously.

Sorry, just using example text - you’ll need to check your integrations name (mine appears as samsung_ue43ls003 for example)

Guess I’ve got 150+ integrations, devices, sensors etc - just curious both my Samsung TV and Samsung Washing machine are problematic…!