Looks like the script stops in the middle, it does all commands until the switch.varme_soverom command. That command and all other below does not work.
I don’t think alias is part of the standard config and definitely isn’t needed.
Drop all the alias lines and make a list of the service call chunks.
Also check your indentations. It is hard to tell on my phone but it looks like there are some inconsistencies. Also be consistent using data before the entity is line.
Everything looks correct. Can you confirm that all entities in group.lys_gang_kjokken_stue are capable of having their brightness set? Maybe something fails in this operation and that’s why the sequence stops there?
I agree with @silvrr and you should check the log for errors, warnings, etc.
When I try to run my scripts via Google home it still does not run the complete script, it stops in the middle. I get a notification “Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from 3.81.8.xx”
Hmm i have the same problem.
My Bedtime script which is triggered via IFTTT suddenly stopped working. Has been working for years. Now works when triggered locally but not via IFTTT web hook. Long list errors in log ending with
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/service.py”, line 250, in entity_service_call
homeassistant.exceptions.Unauthorized: Unauthorized
I am using API password in the call. Should i be using a user instead somehow ? Any suggestions welcome, facing severe WAF backlash.
I am running on a windows 10 > oracle virtual box > ubuntu > hass in case that has something to do with it
Same here, looks like API_PASSWORD is not supported anymore. You have to use long-lived access tokens now which is really a bummer because I have a lot of Tasker tasks firing off all kinds of scripts, automations and entities. Will try to add these with a Tasker variable I guess.
Well that was pretty easy actually :).
I created a global variable %HASSTOKEN and entered the token there. Then I changed my HTTP Post commands from (example):