My take on a home dashboard running on the Lenovo ThinkSmart View and managing multiple devices running Fully Kiosk

Great. Glad it’s working.

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@pgale, how do you get the hue icons working?

There’s a hue icons pack in HACS


Thanks! That was not mentioned as a requisite on Github.

A requisite for what? Nothing to do with the Lineage install.

I meant here was not mention.

Ah, I’d totally forgotten I’d even written that! I’ll add it in :grin:

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Could you please help me out how did you set up the waste_collection_schedule as well? I guess you have used some templates, or could you just share how have you set up the sensors?

It’s a HACS integration “Waste Collection Schedule”

Needs some config in the configuration.yaml such as:

    - name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        uprn: xxxxxxxxxxx

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    source_index: 0
    name: Bin Collection Day
    details_format: upcoming
    value_template: '{% if value.daysTo == 0 %}Today{% elif value.daysTo == 1 %}Tomorrow{% else %}{{"%A")}}{% endif %}'

  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    source_index: 0
    name: Bin Collection Days To
    details_format: upcoming
    add_days_to: true
    value_template: '{{value.daysTo}}'
  - platform: waste_collection_schedule
    source_index: 0
    name: Bin Collection Waste Type
    details_format: upcoming
    date_template: '{{"%d.%m.%Y")}}'
    value_template: '{{value.types|join(", ")}}'

You need to set the source for your collection schedule (if it’s available) - see the docs on HACS.

Then my particular card is a mushroom template card:

  - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
    primary: 'Next bin collection: {{states(''sensor.bin_collection_day'')}}'
    secondary: '{{states(''sensor.bin_collection_waste_type'')}}'
    icon: mdi:trash-can
      action: none
      action: none
    icon_color: |-
      {% if is_state('sensor.bin_collection_days_to', '1') %}
      {% elif is_state('sensor.bin_collection_days_to', '0') %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      action: more-info
    entity: sensor.bin_collection_days_to

That colours the card based on if the collection is next day (amber) or today (red). You can colour how you like.

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Thanks again for the help! Originally my place was not even in the Waste Collection Schedule, but figured out that it can be integrated through one of the existing ones, and one of the maintainer added it promptly.

And today I managed to set it up, but couldn’t really figure out what each sensor supposed to do and how. So thanks for the code.

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No problem - it took me a while and a lot of experimentation! At least I can pass that on :slight_smile:

Ok, i give up…
I really tried but i cant get it to work…
How did you get this thing to play music…especially with music assistant?
I have a nas with quadrizilion songs, but i cant get any to play on either my phone ha client or as you show the the lenovo thing…
it needs a player and my network seems to have plentyful, but i dont want to control other devices…i want the lenovo to sing to me…
what do i do wrong or is it only working by using the fully kiosk browser since that is bringing some kind of player with it?
What is on this url you are pointing to hosted?
Thx for any hint…

I use the snapcast player on the TSV and the in-built snapcast server in Music Assistant. Works well and very reliably. The volume is controlled via the sliders and not linked to the volume buttons though.

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ok…i initially asked if snapcast is an ha component but now i played along and installed it in the lineageos and after putting that into “play” mode i am able to play music…
What a trip :slight_smile: …you would think that playing audio on an android is easy :slight_smile:
WORKS!!! Thx

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There are other audio players that work. If you use Fully Kiosk Browser and the HA integration, that also exposes a media player however, it’s not as fully-featured as snapcast and I had a few issues with it.

And as mentioned, I use Music Assistant to play music via the snapcast server built in to it.

You can also play TTS messages this way and MA has a pre-announce setting and volume handling. Nice.

Did u find a way to tab the map for a popup?

No I only need it small.

Are you using the tts service with the FK media player or the notify service with the FK tts notification entity?

Not using FK media player at all. I’m using snapcast media player and the MA Snapcast server.