My take on a home dashboard running on the Lenovo ThinkSmart View and managing multiple devices running Fully Kiosk

And that is the target for your TTS too, right?

Yes. MA has TTS pre-announce and volume settings.

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Good morning.

I really love your dashbaord so far and j am adopting it step by step.
But how in the world do u monitor your mail box or your softener?
I get the washer dryer how to but some of your functions seem to be a mystery.
Can u shed some light?

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Search the forum for mailbox sensors.


I use an Aqara magnetic contact sensor on the letterbox flap. Works really well. I had to position it so it operates as the flap just opens.

For the water softener, I have a softener that has a salt hopper. I use a really simple solution here - just put an Aqara water leak sensor on top of the salt and when it gets low, the sensor sits in water and triggers. Has worked remarkably well although I did have problems at first getting a good signal. I upgraded to a network zigbee coordinator and that fixed it.

For the parcel box, I bought an iParcelBox (UK company) that does a smart box and has a HA integration.

I’ve just updated my dashboard to use a narrow card to display the alerts using swipe card on auto display. a few issues had to be resolved as swipe card isn’t officially maintained any more but does work well. Some weird issues with taps not working with mushroom card so had to change to custom button card to fix.

I’ll upload new version if you’re interested?

I’m continually tinkering with this dashboard.

Oh zigbee…i dont want to introduce another signal into my home, Bluetooth and wifi is already plenty, but i will check if i can find such a sensor for either i have, thx alot.
Sure thing, share waht nice u have…everyone will just benefit from it.
Have u used the cam on those lenovos for anything? Was thinking of using it as a presents sesnor with frigate

The dashboard doesn’t care what technology you use for the sensors - use whatever you like.

Just starting to play with the config - do you run all of your units in portrait mode the whole time? I want to run mine in landscape and the android home screen doesn’t seem to want to auto rotate for some reason (the HA dash does rotate fine). I guess I can probably force it to with an app to override it somehow?

Yes all portrait. The landscape is screen is a known thing but I don’t think anyone has fixed that (if it is fixable).

Just in case it’s useful for anyone else I found this app: fixes the issue for me and enforces landscape mode system wide.


Oh very nice. Thanks for posting. I’ll add it to the docs. Very useful.

Hi @pgale as a fellow UK resident I very much appreciated the recommendation on how to import these from Amazon US - my order arrived today. I’m looking forward to going through your guide this evening to hopefully get 1 working to play with.

Regarding the power supply what is your solution for converting the US plug to a UK plug. In preparation for the arrival I had bought some permanent US to UK adapters to screw to the end of the transformer however these do not fit. I am going to run out and buy a few travel adaptors now but long term I would prefer something a little more permanent/sturdy.

What was your approach?

Excellent. Have fun.

I’m just using shaver adaptors and they work well. Lots of shapes and styles out there. The only issue is that’s a bit of an ugly solution but mine are mostly all hidden away.

The PSU’s are multi voltage of course so no voltage adapting needed, just mechanical.

The power supply outputs 20v DC through a 4.0x1.7mm barrel plug. You can either find a UK power supply that does that, or, use a 4.0x1.7mm barrel plug to usbc adaptor that specifies 20v PD.
Amazon US Examples:
Example 1
Example 2

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Thanks for getting back so quickly.

At least two of mine are going to be in higher traffic areas so it’s just avoiding knocking the plug when unplugging the adjacent plug. The travel adapters I have just brought actually seem to be keeping a snug fit on the US plug so maybe I was worrying about nothing.

Yes I was relieved to see the transformers were multi-voltage when I opened the box I couldn’t find any clear pictures prior to ordering so I had hoped they were, otherwise it would have been a trip out to B&Q this evening as well :sweat_smile:

Thank you that’s great to know that a USB C charger can be used instead (providing it supports power delivery). I’ll see how I get on with the travel adaptors I have just bought, as they aren’t anywhere near as flimsy as the euro adapters I have previously used, but if they don’t fit the bill I’ll check out those barrel plug convertors.

The outer barrel diameter is designed to snuggly fit the socket with that extended depth. Have you found the replacement plugs work like this or not?

The adaptors I linked have both been tested to work, in fact, they’re even more snug. The housing on the Lenovo barrel adaptor has a comparatively small diameter to any other barrel adaptor I’ve found. I’d be more worried about an adaptor being too large than too small. I didn’t think these would work at first, but the rubber boot surrounding the socket is quite compliant.

Thank you for mentioning “Play” mode. I would expect it to automatically be in that mode, but that was the reason I was having issues. Works great now!

@pgale I sincerely appreciate your work and the documented steps on the Github page. With a bit of trial & error, I was able to perform most of the steps on macOS, but had to use a Linux instance to sideload the last 2 files.

There’s a problem with adb being able to list USB devices on macOS, and I will need to troubleshoot that further at some point…