My Tuya water sprinkler doesn't show any entities


I am new to HA, and I was trying to create an automation for my Tuya water sprinkler, but I don’t see any action. What am I missing?

What integration are you using - ZHA or Z2M? Can you give us more details about the device?

I don’t use Zigbee. Do I need it?
I have this product and want to control its functions from HA.

No, sorry, that’s me jumping to conclusions… :roll_eyes: So presumably you have the SmartThings integration?

For that device, you’d need to add it to Tuya or SmartLife first and then use the Tuya integration to add it to HA.

I just bought a smart life (Tuya) double faucet water timer and it only had the rain delay available as a setting in home assistant. Very disappointing. I had been considering getting two 6 zone Tuya sprinkler systems. I may still do so since the Ali express price is so low and my existing 12 zone one is horrible to program so I really want to get a smart one I can control from my phone. But it sounds like they won’t be controllable via home assistant given your experience. The smart life app seems pretty good for configuring the 2 zone hose timer so there’s that at least.

Unfortunately, not all Tuya devices are created equal when it comes to the Tuya integration. The best thing you can do is if your device doesn’t come into HA properly (or with all the features the device has in Tuya), is to create an issue in the HA core github repo and tag it with the Tuya integration tag.

I found a PR from 2022 that was adding water timer support to the Tuya integration. There was a bit of feedback and then nothing and the PR was ultimately automatically closed by a bot due to lack of activity. :frowning:

I see the device but I don’t see valves or any other entity

Yup, that means that the Tuya integration recognizes that there IS a device, but it doesn’t know how to expose it to HA. The Tuya integration performs kind of like the ZHA integration; Unless there is a defined “quirk” for the device, it’s not able to be “handled”.

This is one of the downfalls (imho) to the Tuya integration… while it supports a TON of devices, but there are always tons more that the integration just doesn’t understand how to implement.

How does that work? Does Tuya themselves have to update a list to expose a device to HA? I’ve been trying to understand the Tuya integration. It looks like the 2 channel irrigation device I bought doesn’t have the necessary content in the device.status that the Tuya integration needs to detect anything other than the weather delay:

CustomerDevice(active_time=1714087755, biz_type=18, category=‘sfkzq’, create_time=1714087755, icon=‘smart/icon/bay1588755969426Gamy/748dcddccd235c28d64136adcc5feb06.png’, id=‘ebb777wq1zxgr5og’, ip=‘’, lat=‘’, local_key=‘>=TIkV=8pg6*^tBB’, lon=‘’, model=‘HCT-626’, name=‘Wireless Water Timer’, node_id=‘8c63534780ffa00f’, online=True, owner_id=‘196017072’, product_id=‘smd9kj1n’, product_name=‘Wireless Water Timer’, status={‘smart_weather’: ‘sunny’, ‘weather_delay’: ‘cancel’}, sub=True, time_zone=‘-07:00’, uid=‘az1714087619034IVo4E’, update_time=1714087755, uuid=‘8c63534780ffa00f’, function={‘smart_weather’: DeviceFunction(code=‘smart_weather’, type=‘Enum’, values=‘{“range”:[“sunny”,“rainy”]}’), ‘weather_delay’: DeviceFunction(code=‘weather_delay’, type=‘Enum’, values=‘{“range”:[“cancel”]}’)}, status_range={‘smart_weather’: DeviceStatusRange(code=‘smart_weather’, type=‘Enum’, values=‘{“range”:[“sunny”,“rainy”]}’), ‘weather_delay’: DeviceStatusRange(code=‘weather_delay’, type=‘Enum’, values=‘{“range”:[“cancel”]}’)}, support_local=True, local_strategy={44: {‘value_convert’: ‘default’, ‘status_code’: ‘smart_weather’, ‘config_item’: {‘statusFormat’: ‘{“smart_weather”:“$”}’, ‘valueDesc’: ‘{“range”:[“sunny”,“rainy”]}’, ‘valueType’: ‘Enum’, ‘enumMappingMap’: {}, ‘pid’: ‘smd9kj1n’}}, 45: {‘value_convert’: ‘default’, ‘status_code’: ‘weather_delay’, ‘config_item’: {‘statusFormat’: ‘{“weather_delay”:“$”}’, ‘valueDesc’: ‘{“range”:[“cancel”]}’, ‘valueType’: ‘Enum’, ‘enumMappingMap’: {}, ‘pid’: ‘smd9kj1n’}}})

If I’m reading the integration code right, to detect things like the switches to control the two channels and their states they have to be listed in that status line.

I’ve not been able to get my dual hose water timer into home assistant yet. It’s Bluetooth connected via a WiFi gateway.

However I was able to get my 8 zone Tuya WiFi irrigation controller in by adding debug logging to the core HA Tuya integration and grabbing the device id and local key from the device description it receives from the cloud. Then I fed those into localtuya along with the local IP address for the device (grabbed by finding the MAC address in Unifi). It found 9 switches (all on being the extra one) as well as the weather sensor (which I haven’t tried to add yet). They work as expected so now I can setup automations to warn me if they’re on for too long or to run them manually on a timer (missing as an option in the smart life app where it is an option for the hose water timer).

The hose water timer I could connect to (providing the Bluetooth gateway IP address) but no DPs were found and trying to tell localtuya to add them manually didn’t produce usable switches.

Normally you can streamline this with localtuya by providing the old style Tuya account credentials or by going to Tuya’s iot website and setup an account to allow you to access the connection info needed. But my ability to use that seems to have expired and I’d have to pay now to re-enable the iot access. And the experience of trying to navigate that website to locate the necessary info is pretty horrible - much easier to grab only the smaller set of data needed for local connections from the Tuya integration as it’s a much more streamlined login experience.

If you are still struggling I may be able to provide a solution, let me finish it :slight_smile:

I would be very interested in this solution as well, happy to test anything that emerges.

Did you ever finish this? I’m looking for a solution for this same product.