My TV turns on automatically

Hey everyone!

Something very weird is going on with my TV. I was using this but commented it out thinking that it was the reason why my tv was turn on.

Then I also commented out my Apple TV configuration because maybe the HDMI-CEC was the reason behind

Now I have even commented “discovery:” so I’m theory there’s no way for HA to discover or see my Apple TV thus turning it on

Yet still I’m getting random turns on of my TV and I’m a bit lost on what’s going on, I don’t have anything else to configure! Haha

If any can provide more info I will greatly appreciate if


I had my Apple TV activating every time I restarted HA so it may be the same problem.
I added this to my configuration.yaml and the problem went away. Hope it helps.

    - apple_tv

thanks for your reply man! This shouldn’t have any effect I think because I have discovery disabled, but will try to enable it again and add the ignore line. Thanks!

I don’t have that tv, but I would start looking by turning on debug level logging for that component. Something like

    default: warning
        homeassistant.components.media_player: debug

to see if it is HA doing this, or if it is actually something else.

I would also make sure that HA isn’t accessible from the internet.

I had a similar issue but it looks like HA is not the culprit here. There have been numerous reports of AppleTV turning on by itself after tvOS10.2 update. People have had different levels of success with solutions ranging from disconnecting a NAS drive/ server from the same network that AppleTV is on to simply killing all background apps/ restarting the AppleTV.
I have the same issue and unfortunately, none of the solutions have helped me for a long term. Once restarted and placed in sleep mode, AppleTV remains in sleep until one day it suddenly decides to wake up randomly.